Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Yilin Frion-Lee, Founder of Zero Point Reiki, located in Newcastle, WA, USA.

What's your business, and who are your customers?

I'm in the business of energy, and spiritual healing, as well as teaching and guiding people, to realize their own gifts and purpose in life. I utilize diverse metaphysical modalities to heal people on spiritual, mental, and physical levels. Modalities such as Reiki, Quantum energy healing, and channeling, to name a few. I have worked with adults, children, and animals. I can do deep clearing to heal trauma and also assist people in their path of self-realization, healing, and ascension.

I traverse between light and shadow, and I work with spirit guides from both realms. I can also remove dark entities, generational curses, and past life trauma clearing. I assist people in learning to better communicate with their own spirit guides and soul's desire and also manifesting their highest potential.

My clients are:

  • People who are ready to see the magic in this reality.
  • People who desire to awaken to their soul.
  • People who feel the deep desire to shift their reality.
  • People who are creative and curious about energy or the metaphysical world.

Tell us about yourself

I began my search for a deeper purpose when I realized I was at a point in my life where I have achieved all life goals, yet there's an emptiness and void that can't be fulfilled with anything materialistic. This pushed me to recognize that I have neglected the spiritual aspect of my own identity. My initial spiritual search led me to spend 5 years in the fundamentalist Christian world, where I awakened to my own psychic senses. I didn't know it at first, but looking back, I can see that it channeled messages from Jesus and the Christian God.

The awareness of my own spiritual abilities didn't deepen my connection in the Christian world; it alienated me and actually pushed me into exploring New Age spirituality. While exploring and learning about my spiritual nature, I eventually came to see that this was the one thing that I had prayed for several years. My soul's purpose and my deepest passion! I love what I do as a spiritual guide and Reiki energy healer. My nature is extremely spiritual, and every time I try to walk away from the spirit, I feel the withering of my soul, my life force energy slowly draining out.

So what motivates me? Feeling alive, excited, and humbled to have the privilege to walk this life with Spirit in my world 24/7, to be able to connect clients to the spirit world, and helping people find their own passion and soul purpose. I have found my life's work, and I love helping people find theirs as well.

What's your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?

I have built my business from the ground up, now reaching clients on a global scale while maintaining a balance as a mother of 2 young children. I didn't think it was possible to own a business that could fit my already busy lifestyle, so I'm humbled that I can be where I am today and help coach other healers to accomplish similar results in their practices. A profitable, flexible, mobile business model that gives you high levels of autonomy.

What's one of the hardest things that come with being a business owner?

For me personally, it's the feeling of isolation and thinking I have to do everything by myself in the beginning phase of building the business. The level of fear and insecurities can be paralyzing. My solution was to hire business coaches and find like-minded people I could share my vulnerable feelings as a business owner.

What are the top tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a business today?

  1. Start small, focus on progress and not the end goal: Put one foot in front of another; if you can figure out how to continue to move in the direction of building and growing your business, then focus on doing the next step, and the rest will fall into place.
  2. Don't be afraid to seek help: Help can be from friends, resources online, a business coach…etc. Nobody is meant to build a business alone, even if we are the only person running the business. Help can come from many places and anywhere; as long as we are open to it, we can accomplish our goals much faster.
  3. Celebrate small wins: Another difficult aspect of owning your own business is that there's no one to validate our work or progress. If we as business owners can practice celebrating progress and small wins, it would be much easier for us to enjoy the process…even when the going gets tough.

Is there anything else you'd like to share?

General encouragement for anyone reading this and considering the possibility of becoming spiritual healing or starting a spiritual business. You've got this! We live in such a beautifully connected, resource-rich world that everything you need is potentially just a click away. This is a remarkable time to embrace your spiritual self and step into your full power. Wishing you all the best on your journey and blessings to all.

Where can people find you and your business?


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