Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey in candle-making but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Leslie Abrams, founder of Yo Soy Candle, located in Portland, OR, USA.

What's your business, and who are your customers?

My business is called Yo Soy Candle! We are an eco-conscious, soy-based, affirmation candle and workshop company based in Portland, Oregon. We create unique aromas that pair with I Am statements (or affirmations) that can be used as a tool for self-empowerment, healing, transformation, and ritual. We also have The Candle Creation Bar, where you can make your own!

Our customers care about themselves and strive for more joy, abundance and self-love, and trust in their lives. Burning a candle that is safe to breathe while cleansing your spirit and filling your space with empowering intentions is top of mind. Pairing Yo Soy with journaling, meditation, movement, or a fun dance party can manifest the highest experience for your wellbeing. We love hearing stories of transformation and healing from our customers who are going through Chemotherapy, trying to get pregnant, manifesting a partner, home, or job, and most importantly, learning how to love and trust themselves.

Tell us about yourself

Yo Soy Candle was conceived in Nov 2010 and birthed in Jan 2012. I was 27 years old, working as an esthetician (specifically Brazilian waxing) in a very busy environment and feeling burnt out, depressed, anxious, and passion-less. At the time, I was using yoga, meditation, and affirmations to heal my depression, and I wanted to expand my practice. I decided to quit my job and travel to Costa Rica to study Yoga for four weeks in the jungle! I invited my clients to come to see me again when I returned home.

Costa Rica changed my life. When I arrived home, 100 of my clients came for services in my new home waxing studio! To show my gratitude around holiday time, I took up candle-making, and everyone became addicted to the scent I created! My dedication to healing myself and others through yoga became stronger and stronger. The affirmations on each candle are an extension of my own experience with transformation and ritual. The candle itself stoked the fire and dedication to heal, grow and change my own life and extend that purpose to others.

What's your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?

In Sept 2020, during the middle of the pandemic, we opened up our first retail and workshop location! It's been a huge success! Especially The Candle Creation Bar, where I guide you through the experience of blending your own scent, pouring a candle, and pairing it with your very own I am statement! It's a blast and has been wildly popular. I'm thrilled and love what I do! I am also celebrating ten years in 2022!!

What's one of the hardest things that come with being a business owner?

I think learning what style of marketing works for my business is a really big challenge. Technology can also be a huge roadblock.

What are the top tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a business today?

Pay attention to what works and don't spend too much time out what isn't smoothly working. Talk to other business owners about what works for them and gain as much wisdom and perspective that isn't only yours. Don't give up. Try all angles until something works and let go of an idea if you've tried everything and it just isn't sticking. Be patient with the process.

Is there anything else you'd like to share?

If you are struggling while working for someone else or don't love the industry you are currently in, think about what lights you up and can help fill a gap and seek a path in starting your own thing. Don't quit your job until you can support yourself, though. Start planting the seeds now for your 3-5 year plan.

Where can people find you and your business?


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