Live in Your Moment, Not the Mind - Wellbeing & Words

Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey in mental wellness but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Tanya Peterson, Founder of Wellbeing & Words, located in Eugene, OR, USA.

What's your business, and who are your customers?

I'm a mental health writer and speaker. I write books, give webinars, and teach courses online and in person to help people transcend challenges such as stress, anxiety, and depression in order to live their lives fully on their own terms. With a background as both a teacher and counselor, I provide resources to both adults and children/adolescents.

Tell us about yourself

I have dual passions: interacting with others to help them thrive and writing. I decided to combine them, and I love it! I am grateful that I'm in a career where I experience flow doing what I do. I began my career as a high school teacher. There, I observed so many students, both female and male, become trapped in toxic relationships. I had great discussions with students about this, and I wanted a way to reach as many teens as possible to help raise awareness about healthy vs. toxic relationships. I wrote a novella about this to show how insidiously relationships can become unhealthy and highlight signs to watch for. I wanted to create an entertaining yet informative story--the best way to reach adolescents. That book, entitled Losing Elizabeth, is now used in some classrooms. I have used it in groups with teens, along with a curriculum I wrote to accompany it.

Because I loved writing that book and continue to enjoy reaching people with it, I decided to make writing and presenting my business. I've written four other novels, all mental health themed, and 10 self-help books, workbooks, and journals. I have a webinar available through the American Institute of Stress and a mental health course for kids ages 8-12 on the homeschool platform Lernsys. I enjoy providing in-person classes and speaking in places such as mental health organizations like NAMI, schools, libraries, and bookstores.

What's your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?

Having people find me online or on the shelves of their favorite bookstore is amazing. It's an honor when people reach out to me to discuss something I wrote or presented that resonated with them. In 2022, the Ukrainian publisher of one of my books, 101 Ways to Stop Anxiety, contacted me, requesting that I write a letter for publication in Ukraine to address people's fears and encourage them to persevere through the Russian invasion of their country. Also, in 2022, I have bestowed a distinguished achievement award by South Dakota State University, the school I attended to earn my master's degree in counseling. All of these things are such an honor and encourage me to keep writing, speaking, and helping people achieve deep wellbeing.

What's one of the hardest things that comes with being a business owner?

Marketing and being visible on social media!! If my messages, print and otherwise, can't reach people, they don't do any good. Reaching people isn't easy (at least for me). There is so much "noise" out there that it's difficult to be noticed. It's hands down the most difficult part of this business.

What are the top tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a business today?

First and foremost, know yourself and be true to yourself. What makes you feel alive? What do you have to share with the world? Rather than trying to fill a perceived need, offer yourself. There's a need for YOU and your passions!

Define success before you begin, and use it to guide you through good times and bad. What is your own unique definition of success? Success isn't exclusively measured in dollars. What will make you feel fulfilled and content? Go for that.

Last but definitely not least, stay grounded in the present moment. When you're a business owner, it's easy to get lost in the current of stress and anxiety, ruminating about things you could have done differently or fretting about what-ifs of the future. This can lock you down and rob you of joy and your version of success. When you catch yourself doing this, pause, take some deep breaths (it helps balance your nervous system so you can focus), and concentrate on what you are doing right now. What action do you need to take at this moment to be centered and flow forward with greater ease? Do this action, and then move into the next, knowing that in each moment you do this, you are doing your best. Then, celebrate your success of the moment!

Where can people find you and your business?


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