Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey in marketing but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Maggie Gremminger, Founder of Watering Can LLC., located in New Rochelle, NY, USA.

What's your business, and who are your customers?

My business is called Watering Can LLC. Watering Can exist to support businesses, artists, and adventurers in need of marketing expertise. My customers range from established agencies looking to fill gaps in client support needs to fine-art portrait and commercial photographers who are hungry for outside branding perspectives. As a new small business (founded in October 2022), I am enjoying the early-stage growth and evolution of my own business.

Tell us about yourself

I am proud to call myself somewhat of an "accidental entrepreneur." As an enneagram six, I navigate so many things based on access to safety and stability. Starting a business is something I assumed I would not be cut out for, as it requires so much risk, yet here I am! After serving as Director of Content Strategy for a digital marketing agency earlier this year, I was suddenly laid off in August... without notice or severance. In other words: my greatest enneagram six fears were suddenly my reality. After looking for a full-time job for a bit, I realized that my skills and experience could be used in a variety of ways beyond the traditional 9-5. I started saying "yes" to contract and freelance work and knew that this was an opportunity to build something on my own terms. I regret to say that my motivation is not simply my drive to grow and succeed, although, of course, I am always hungry to expand professionally and personally. I admit that my motivation is also rooted in that need for stability, and fear helps me to stay sharp and focused on where I want to go. I see fear as a sort of mirror that shows you what matters, what is important and what is most valued. For these reasons, fear is also a healthy motivator in my business.

What's your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?

I am most proud of my ability to rewrite my own internal narrative regarding my new identity as a solopreneur. As a business owner, there is a healthy amount of imposter syndrome that sneaks in, and one of my biggest personal accomplishments has been to see the imposter syndrome and still move forward to navigate my work in an unhindered way. I believe that my best work is done when I feel like I bring my truth to the table in an unapologetically human way.

What's one of the hardest things that comes with being a business owner?

Time management is something I am really still getting a hold of. There are only so many hours in the day, and it is a challenge to determine how much should be spent on my own business, client work, vs. self-care. I want to prioritize flexibility in all I do, knowing that schedules shift. I'm certainly working on being kind to myself as I get ahold of this learning curve!

What are the top tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a business today?

  1. Take as many courses as you can! I have enjoyed gathering valuable tips and information from Skillshare classes, and I feel that education can help to avoid common missteps.
  2. Create a document full of "positive testimony" from folks you've worked with before. Capture the accolades and messages of gratitude, etc., that has lifted you up. These might be sourced from LinkedIn reviews, emails, or even Slack messages with clients and collaborators. Having a document to house, these messages can serve as an important reminder that you ARE skilled, and you don't need to doubt yourself.
  3. Ask all the questions. I've found that whether networking with folks or onboarding with a client that asking questions is such an opportunity. Don't be afraid or ashamed to ask for clarification, or for an introduction, or general life advice. Oftentimes when you are brave enough to ask, the response gives you so much to sustain your growth, both professionally and personally.

Where can people find you and your business?


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