Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey in freelancing but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Anne Victory, Owner of Victory Editing, located in Calhoun, LA, USA.

What's your business, and who are your customers?

I'm a freelance editor specializing in romance, urban fantasy, and cozy mysteries. My boutique editing business, Victory Editing, offers a full range of services from developmental and line editing to Oops Detection®, formatting, and a NetGalley co-op for e-ARC distribution. I provide clients, many of whom are NYT and USA Today best sellers, with a full editing team while giving them the convenience of a single point of contact. I also have online classes for authors to help them hone their writing craft. And, finally, I'm the chief cook and bottle washer for my husband, a boisterous spaniel who loves to wear dresses, three cats, and two birds.

Tell us about yourself

Like many of my clients, I've been an avid reader since I was about five. I read thrillers, mysteries, some horror, true crime, science fiction, and of course, my great loves: romance and fantasy. I've always been a stickler for grammar, and at every job, I was "volunteered" (or voluntold) to either write or proofread everything from menus to game manuals to advertising copy. That business writing and editing experience came in handy when I started to work in fiction. I enjoy reading, and I enjoy polishing the written word. Common wisdom says to do what you love, and you'll live a long and happy life. With my background in English literature, grammar, and library science, it was a fairly easy decision to work with authors.

In December 2010, I started offering "final pass" proofreading services (also known as cold reads). Monique Martin jokingly called it "Oops Detection," and the name stuck. Oops Detection® was an instant hit, and over time I had requests for manuscript-level services as well. In response to that growing demand, I expanded my services to offer editing in addition to after-formatting proofreading. The rest, as they say, is history.

What's your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?

I've created an editing business that helps indie authors publish books that have production standards on par with or better than books coming out of the big publishing houses and yet gives authors back more of their time. Also, I'm proud to have built a business that not only supports my family but also helps provide income for others.

What's one of the hardest things that comes with being a business owner?

For me, it's knowing how much is too much. As much as I'd like to, I can't edit for every author who comes to me. Maybe if I ever figure out how to clone myself…

What are the top tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a business today?

  1. Get systems in place to help you stay organized. When you're starting out, it's not that difficult to keep track of everything, but as you grow, it becomes more and more difficult unless you've set up workflows.
  2. Start small where you can—you can always scale up—but make sure you have a professional presentation. For instance, have a REAL website. Don't rely on a Facebook page to be the face of your business.
  3. Know your worth. It's okay to charge less while you build a portfolio, but as soon as you can, start raising your rates to where they need to be for sustainability.

Where can people find you and your business?

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