Aligning Women to Careers - UKAN Coaching

Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey in personal development but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Urvina Shah and Anjali Gudhka, Founders of UKAN Coaching, located in London, UK.

What's your business, and who are your customers?

Our business is called UKAN Coaching. We work with professional women aged 35-55 who are stuck or stagnant in their careers, are looking to change roles or careers, and don't know what to do. We work with them to provide the clarity and confidence they need to start driving their career in the right direction for themselves.

Tell us about yourself

We are Urvina Shah and Anjali Gudhka. We are friends, badminton players, and business partners, and we run a community disability group as volunteers. Urvina was a therapeutic radiographer for 27 years, of which 15 years were dedicated to career development for staff and students, and Anjali was a finance professional in the corporate sector for 17 years with experience navigating the corporate world and developing global teams.

Urvina: I got into coaching 17 years ago when my daughter (who has learning difficulties) was denied a place in the same school as her siblings. At that time, she was only 3. I made a decision then to enhance my ability to communicate so that I could be her advocate and fight for her. I found Neuro-Linguistic Programming, which gave me the tools to be a better parent to her and also shift my own perspectives both at home and at work for the better. Thus began my coaching journey, which I was then able to employ in my workplace and transform the lives of my students and colleagues.

Anjali: I took up an offer for coaching with Urvina when I was struggling at work as I was feeling undervalued and not recognized for my contribution despite having worked in the organization for six years at that point. I wasn't getting the promotion I wanted, and I was miserable. Through Urvina's coaching system, I gained clarity on what I wanted in my career and where I wanted to be and made some bold decisions that helped lead me to a promotion within the year and also kickstarted my own coaching journey within the organization, transferring my skills to learning and development of the teams I worked with.

We both came together to form UKAN Coaching as our common goal is to help align women to careers that they enjoy and to transform their careers from stagnation to ascension based on our own experiences of being stuck in our careers and not knowing what to do. We know the difference coaching and an objective view can make when you cannot see the wood for the trees and is unhappy in your career. So we decided to turn our years of friendship into a business partnership.

What's your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?

Watching the transformation in our clients both in their careers and in themselves through our own Ultimate Career Transformation System.

What's one of the hardest things that comes with being a business owner?

Going outside your comfort zone. As with any business, there is always an element of risk or uncertainty, and in many cases, the decisions lead you to go outside your comfort zone. That is where the fear is the biggest, and the learning is the greatest. Embracing that regularly can be quite challenging.

What are the top tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a business today?

  1. Just do it as long as you have a clear business idea and the enthusiasm and will to go for it, don’t overthink it. Of course, do your research and make sure it is viable but don’t let fears hold you back from doing something that you enjoy. Believe You Can.
  2. Be very clear on your vision and mission of the business, as that is what will drive you and keep you on track when you hit the low days.
  3. Make sure you have a good support network to bounce ideas with and also to encourage you. It always helps to have someone in your corner who can point out all that you have achieved.

Where can people find you and your business?



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