Do Good and Feel Inspired - Troop Impact

Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Kelly Emery, founder of Troop Impact Inc., located in Toronto, ON, Canada.

What's your business, and who are your customers?

At Troop, we want to make it easier than ever to lend a helping hand and build stronger, more connected communities. We offer a tool that helps small to mid-sized businesses engage their employees through local, tangible social impact initiatives.

At the beginning of the month, Troop sends out a curated list to all the employees of our business partners, sharing local, tangible needs. Think: a stroller for a refugee mom in Parkdale (Toronto). Each employee gets to vote on the need they want to see their company fulfill, and Troop takes care of the rest!

We also send a monthly report with photos and messages from the charity and/or neighbor so teams can really see and feel the impact they had on their community. Next month, we do it all over again!

Tell us about yourself

I started Troop back in 2019 as I, along with many others, noticed a major decline in charitable giving. Plus, of the 86,000 registered charities in Canada, 91% of them are small organizations, ten people and under, and those are the organizations that rely very heavily on personal donations. They are the ones that have a direct impact on our neighborhoods and in our local communities. I really want to play a part in a solution to supporting these organizations.

In 2020, I realized that the way that Troop can make the biggest difference going forward is by partnering with businesses to kickstart their social impact programs. Tangible, local social impact for small to midsized businesses - that’s Troop in a nutshell.

What's your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?

We raised funding to continue our mission to unleash generosity in local communities. Our team has grown to a group of four passionate people dedicated to fulfilling our mission. And, we connected with more charity, non-profit, and community organization partners than ever. Thanks to our neighbors and our business partners, we fulfilled a ton of local needs - sending off diapers, couches, groceries, and everything in-between to support our community.

What's one of the hardest things that come with being a business owner?

Balance is tough. I have two young kids at home. It’s hard-working in the evenings and on weekends feeling like I should be spending more time with them. On the other hand, I really believe in what we are building. I believe that we can help a lot of people, so I like showing my kids how to work hard for something they are passionate about.

What are the top tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a business today?

Only two tips from me:
Just start.
Keep going.

Is there anything else you'd like to share?

We recently launched a newsletter called “Purpose at Work.” Every month, we send out resources and actionable tips on how to do good for your community at work, as well as research and trends in social impact and CSR. You can subscribe here:

The Troop team also just released an on-demand, interactive webinar where I basically go through the business case for social impact/CSR programs, as well as walk you through a demo of the Troop app. And, it’s under 10 minutes to watch! If you’re looking to build a case for a social impact program at your company, or are just curious about Troop, you can register any time at

Where can people find you and your business?


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