Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey in candle-making but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Michael Hoffman, owner of Trial by Fire Candle Co., located in Baltimore, MD, USA.

What's your business, and who are your customers?

We are a Baltimore-based candle company. Our entire line is vegan, cruelty-free, and phthalate-free. All of our candles are made with 100% domestically-grown soy wax, handcrafted in small batches, and designed to complement your space. We believe that fragrance and interior design go hand in hand, so our scents are selected to uplift your mood and add a finishing touch to any room.

Our customers want high-quality products made with non-toxic ingredients. Attention to detail and a high level of customer service are our core values.

Tell us about yourself

I went to the Culinary Institute of America and was a chef for years before becoming a full-time working musician (dueling pianos). I first started making candles in September of 2019 as a hobby. I have always been a huge candle user in my own home, and the candle-making process has always intrigued me since I was a kid.

Once the quarantine hit, and I could no longer work playing music for crowds, I began ramping up production and selling candles, with all of the proceeds going to benefit the Baltimore Bartender Relief Fund (providing support to the restaurant industry workers that lost their income due to the pandemic).

After seeing the popularity of my products, I decided to go all-in and begin larger-scale production as a way to support myself while I was out of work. Once I began advertising on social media and marketing to local stores, the business took off. I realized that this was something sustainable that I could do long term. Developing this business was never in my "five-year plan," but fate is a funny thing.

My motivation comes from the constant development of new scents and comical/witty names for them. I have always enjoyed creative endeavors, and candle-making has given me the opportunity to express myself in endless ways. I also enjoy working with my wholesale partners and retail customers to create custom scents and labels for their businesses and special occasions.

What's your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?

The biggest accomplishment I have achieved for my business was finding and outfitting a commercial space for production and sales. This all started in my kitchen, dining room, and basement, so having a dedicated space for production and sales has been a game-changer.

The biggest accomplishment that my business has achieved so far is raising $2k in 24 hours for the citizens of Ukraine through the sale of "F*ck Putin" candles. This money was sent directly to citizens and refugees via Airbnb, who have been amazing in their support of Ukraine.

What's one of the hardest things that come with being a business owner?

The hardest thing that comes with being a business owner is wearing all of the hats and constantly pushing and growing a base of customers- all while taking care of yourself mentally and physically. Product design and testing, production, quality assurance, ordering, sales, marketing, social media, HR, customer service, repairs, and cleaning are all jobs that I have to do on a daily basis. Then I also have to make time to eat healthy, adequately hydrate, go to the gym, spend time with friends and family, and nurture a spiritual connection. It's a delicate balance, but the freedom of working for myself is worth it in the long run.

What are the top tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a business today?

  1. One of my favorite quotes is, "You have the right to work, but for the work's sake only. You have no right to the fruits of work. The desire for the fruits of work must never be your motive in working."
  2. Money, recognition, and status are never good reasons to do something. Those things will come eventually, but only if you are concentrating on providing the best possible product and service.
  3. Take care of your employees first, then your customers, then yourself.
    Patience and organic growth are paramount to long-term stability.

Where can people find you and your business?


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