Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Tina Lorenz, a Copywriter and Marketing Consultant, Anti-Retirement Strategist, and Mindset Shifter based in Tucson, AZ, USA.

What's your business, and who are your customers?

I have multiple programs for copywriting and marketing, starting with the entry point of Authentic Copy, which is self-paced, all the way to my Divine Equation inner circle, which is by application only. I also have an additional calling to my anti-retirement movement, The Renegade Boomer. This is where I work with clients who are accomplished professionals past 50, to catalyze their inspired anti-retirement second-chapter strategies. This is especially close to my heart because I didn't start my online business until I was past 50, and I want other successful experts, CEOs, and founders to leverage their skills for greater impact instead of fading into the shadows. Because it's never too late! And we have so much more to offer the world. In this capacity, I have several options for working with me 1:1.

Tell us about yourself

I stumbled into my career as a freelance copywriter and marketing strategist accidentally! I was "googling" for some ideas on how I could make money online and discovered an article about copywriting. I'd never even heard of it before, but it instantly resonated with me. So, even though I was already past 50, had been on my own since 17, was homeless in my 40s, had no previous experience nor a college degree, and had never been paid to write anything for anybody... I made the decision that I would become a copywriter. I ended up making multiple six-figures my very first year, and it just continued growing from there. That's why I say I'm a very unlikely success story!

Now I work with a select few at a very high level, plus I have my copywriting and mentoring programs. I'm 100% motivated by the transformations I see in the people I work with. Because it is always so much more than the obvious—it's even more than learning how to communicate effectively. While copywriting is one of the most profitable marketing skills you could acquire, it's about the inner journey and personal transformations that occur for my clients on a regular basis.

This is because all of my body of work involves both what I call the Sacred Science™ of mindset as well as a significant connection to our spiritual source. It's not about religion, but it is about believing there is something more beyond our day-to-day existence, a Divine power we can tap into and be guided by. When you put all three together, you become unstoppable.

What's your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?

I think it would have to be starting a business from absolute scratch when I was already past 50 and growing it into 7 figures for almost two decades! I've not only made millions for many of my clients, but I've also been able to significantly impact the lives of those I mentor as well. I'm living proof that it's never too late to step into your power and continue to thrive even in the face of global challenges.

What's one of the hardest things that come with being a business owner?

For many of us who had always worked from home (even before it became a necessity!), it can be the isolation. You simply can't do it all on your own. That's why seeking out mentors and communities who understand and are aligned with your purpose is essential. I've invested in myself this way from the beginning and continue to today. It is crucial to be a life-long learner and surround yourself with others who are entrepreneurial as well.

What are the top tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a business today?

  1. You need to deeply connect to the identity of being the person who can do the things necessary to get the results you desire. It's not enough to go through the motions on the outside. You need to make the identity shift on the inside.
  2. As mentioned previously, you can't do it alone. And you shouldn't be the smartest or richest person in the room either. You need to invest in trusted mentors who are already successfully doing the thing you desire to do, pay whatever it takes to work with them, and do what they advise you to do, even when it challenges you! Because if you already naturally knew what to'd already be doing it.
  3. Choose both your words and your focus intentionally because where you place your focus is what you create more of. That's why you must be selective about what you allow to seep into your brain, as in doom and gloom on the news, the negative opinions and limiting beliefs of others...any distractions that create negative energy and doubt for you. You can't create high-value results from a low-energy place. So choose to focus your attention and intention to create something that serves you, not stops you.

Where can people find you and your business?


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