Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Chrissy Baribault-Ortiz and Raeann Schwartz, Founders of The Power to B, located in Glastonbury, CT, USA.

What's your business, and who are your customers?

Our business is a fine jewelry collection designed to be worn daily and remind the wearer of their strengths, bracelets featuring different power words to empower and guide the wearer to B their favorite version of themselves.

Our customers are women, men, and children who love meaningful, beautiful jewelry, dream chasers, and challenge seekers.

Tell us about yourself

The Power to B is so much more than a piece of jewelry. It's a reminder practice that began after finding strength in positive affirmations during a challenging time in our lives. Together, we faced six years of fertility struggles. During this time, we were on an emotional rollercoaster. There were days we felt ashamed, fearful, weak, hopeless...

We turned to self-help methods of positive affirmation to keep us working towards our end goal of being moms. Christina began creating screen locks on her phone that she would catch glimpses of throughout the day. Raeann used post-it notes on her mirror that she would wake up with and go to bed with. The problem with these is that catching glimpses of them was sporadic throughout the day, and at this time, we needed something all day, every day.

We grew up in the jewelry business, so we thought, let's create a positive affirmation in the form of jewelry that you can wear on your wrist and be reminded of your strength all the time. We never dreamed that our darkest days would lead to our brightest days. We knew that this practice and jewelry could help so many more women.

So, we listened to hundreds of women's challenges and found the words that inspired them most. We turned the most popular words into our core collection of Power Word Bracelets STRONG, FIERCE, FEARLESS, LIMITLESS & BADASS. There were women facing challenges in school, relationships, cancer, financial debt, divorce, fertility, becoming new moms, grieving loss, and so much more, all finding strength in wearing their Power Word.

We believe that with an incredible challenge comes strength. Whatever you are going through, WE GOT YOU!

What's your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?

Seeing the light of empowerment in someone's eyes and watching their spirit lift right in front of us when they have found their power word and understand its power. Our goal has always been to uplift - empower one person every day.

What's one of the hardest things that come with being a business owner?

As business owners and busy mamas, we'd say the "balance" of everything. And as so many of life's plot twists and imbalances arrive as you raise children and build businesses, you must have a way of going with the flow.

We recently decided to take some of the pressure off, stop using the word balance, and empower ourselves to B present with the love and energy we put into our lives when our 2 feet are planted.

What are the top tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a business today?

  1. Make sure you have support and the right people surrounding you.
  2. Always have something booked on your calendar for YOU. Time off and a break to rest and restore fuels creativity. A more energized you produces a more creative and successful you.
  3. Focus mainly on where you can impact your business, and try your best to do this most of the time. Constantly reassess and make sure you are aware of this.

Where can people find you and your business?


If you like what you've read here and have your own story as a solo or small business entrepreneur that you'd like to share, then please answer these interview questions. We'd love to feature your journey on these pages.

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