Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Kelly Keefe, founder of The Heartspace, located in Austin, TX, USA.

What's your business, and who are your customers?

The Heartspace serves individuals and groups who desire to thrive in their lives. We work in one-on-one sessions, group programs, group training, and corporate experiences. Our group programs are focused on women ready to step fully into their power. We have something for everyone though, because everyone deserves to thrive in their lives.

Tell us about yourself

I received an opportunity to be a partner in a start-up right out of college - I said yes. The entrepreneur bug bit me immediately. I knew it was going to be the path for me. In meditation eleven years ago, I received an intuitive message to look up healing modalities. I found Reiki, and two days later, I serendipitously met my first teacher. Quickly intuitive messages and guided steps to begin healing myself deeply and then building The Heartspace continued to unfold.

Six years later, here we are. I return to my why and the impact we get to create in the world at this time. I believe the greatest way to show love to another in this world is to celebrate them fully and support them in being their happiest, healthiest, most expressed selves. I love thriving and being surrounded by others doing the same... and that's what we are up to at The Heartspace. Together we thrive.

What's your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?

The Heartspace is built on the pillars of community and connection. Every time I see our community gatherings growing in numbers and hear stories of breakthroughs someone has had in their lives, I cry. I'm still a big cry baby when I see people opening their hearts and really living a better reality. I'm deeply grateful that the business numbers are growing as more people are supported. I always tell my team that everything we do must have two significant ROIs. A large Ripple of Impact and then a significant Return On Investment.

What's one of the hardest things that come with being a business owner?

For me, it definitely is making time for all facets of life that fulfill mind, body, and spirit. The tasks never end - especially when new ideas for programs, services, and what not come through and passion moves through. Carving out time for every part of the business and my own practices, self-care, and playtime is a balance every day.

What are the top tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a business today?

  1. Don't be afraid of outsourcing. Relying on others to help get things done is a superpower, it doesn't make you weak.
  2. Make three lists at the top of your week: Must-dos, Will need to-dos, and Would like to-dos.
  3. True connections will keep your business alive and growing organically. Connect with your team, customers, and mission as much as possible.

Is there anything else you'd like to share?

The journey of starting, growing, and running your own business comes with so many challenges. And they are all always worth it. You will really learn who you are, and your character will grow tremendously. Thank you for trusting yourself and stepping into your greatest.

Where can people find you and your business?


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