Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey in leadership development but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our with Carole Chabries, Founder of The Clareo Group, located in Milwaukee, WI, USA.

What's your business, and who are your customers?

I'm the founder of The Clareo Group, a consulting group dedicated to supporting women leaders at all levels of higher education. Our clients range from young, fresh-from-college professionals to seasoned administrators seeking greater control, confidence, and clarity in their work.

Tell us about yourself

I love teaching and that moment when someone's eyes light up with understanding. About 25 years ago, I was coaching a faculty member on ways to give feedback to his students. I still remember the excitement on his face when he shared how much his student's writing had improved. He wasn't teaching any new material -- he was just teaching it differently. It was a watershed moment for me: I realized that if I could help faculty and administrators get even better at what they do, then I'd improve the experiences of exponentially more students than I could ever reach on my own.

What's your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?

My biggest accomplishment is learning to focus. When I started consulting in 2015, I accepted lots of jobs because I liked the clients and the work was interesting, so I'd think, "sure, yeah, that sounds fun. I'll do it!" Now I'm much more intentional in what I choose to spend my time on. The results are better for me as a human and even better for my clients.

What's one of the hardest things that comes with being a business owner?

What's hard for me as a business owner is also what's hard for me as a woman: setting boundaries and claiming my worth. It's tempting, and honestly, it's easy, to spend my days being responsive -- whether it's to what my kids want, a new request from a potential client, or a great new idea someone in my network sends my way.

But setting boundaries actually frees up lots of emotional and psychological space because I've decided ahead of time the kinds of things to say "no" to. This is immensely liberating and powerful, and it's something I work with all of my clients as well.

What are the top tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a business today?

  1. Quit dithering. You won't figure it out by thinking about it; you'll figure it out by doing it. Choose a place to start and just start! You can always revise as you go. Honestly, you can.
  2. Sleep. In 2022 our brains are exhausted, and our emotional reserves are low. After several years of getting very little sleep -- and most of it poor quality -- largely because of my work environment, I now prioritize getting sleep. At first, I thought I shouldn't sleep because I have so much work to do. Wouldn't it be better to get up and get to it? Turns out not so much. My rested brain is much more flexible and responsive, and I can get more done in less time.
  3. Find your allies. I've discovered that the more I talk about my business, the more ideas, support, and affirmation I get. My network has expanded, I'm constantly learning new ways to do something better, and I get a ton of feedback about what I'm working on. Some of my strongest allies are people I didn't know a year ago. New entrepreneurs are eager to connect and be helpful -- get out there and make some new friends!

Where can people find you and your business?


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