Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey in personal development but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Sophie van het Erve, Co-Founder of The 1 Reset, located in Lisbon, Portugal.

What's your business, and who are your customers?

I am a life and leadership coach and co-founder of The 1 Reset. With The Reset's programs, we invite you to pause, reset and grow with uniquely curated experiences online and around the world. These group and private coaching experiences allow you to expand and challenge your current knowledge and ideas and transform with lasting changes so you can live your life consciously, with more joy in it.

Tell us about yourself

We started the Reset because regardless of where you are in life - whether you are single, married, divorced, working, an entrepreneur, freelancer, remote worker, or a stay-at-home parent - one thing we all have in common is that we sometimes get stuck in auto-pilot. I felt a bit stuck, even though I had a very successful corporate career. It was my coach and now co-founder who helped me from the 'yucky stuck' to living fully in joy, and we created this dream together that became our business.

Nothing was "wrong." I was living a very good life. Yet... there was this nagging thought there was something else to do. And by talking to many people and learning from my coaching clients, I was not alone in that feeling—the feeling of being stuck in a hamster wheel. And even though I had all the tools and resources, I still needed help to get off it. And that is what I hope to achieve with The Reset: to help people pause the hamster wheel, so they can consider how they truly want to live their life, so they can make conscious choices in making that happen, make them feel in charge of their own lives.

At The Reset, our vision is to live in joy by moving from autopilot to conscious choice. And what motivates me each morning is to be able to spread that joy to others!

What's your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?

Starting the business! Moving from a sprinkle of an idea to a dream to actually doing it: while they might seem like small steps, they have been massive in their impact. Quitting my corporate job to build The 1 Reset was an enormous step, a risk, and also my biggest accomplishment.

What's one of the hardest things that comes with being a business owner?

Being a life coach, my calling is to help people. My mission is to live in joy. So ideally, I would work on that for 100% of my time. I love spending time with my clients - whether in private 1:1 sessions or our group programs - and seeing the shifts happen is a fantastic reward and why we started our company.

The hardest thing is to fully embrace that it is simply impossible to spend 100% of your time on just that: there is marketing, sales, accounting, finances, communication, etc., etc., etc. Without allocating enough time to those aspects, there simply is no business and no clients.

What are the top tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a business today?

  1. Know your "why."
  2. Know your values.
  3. Know how to set yourself up for sustainable success: create your personalized strategies.

In my work with founders and entrepreneurs, I have come across a lot of close-to-burn-out idealists. The pressures of owning your own business, continuous growth, and financial pressure can make people forget why they started their business in the first place, and they lose their joy. I work with entrepreneurs and founders to set them up for success from the get-go so that they are mindful of how they want to live their lives and their businesses. It's not about ignoring stress. It's about finding the strategies that work for you, so you can continue to build your dream and make it a reality.

Where can people find you and your business?


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