Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey in health and wellness but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Julia Jonson, Co-Founder of TBY Yoga (To Be You), located in Mundelein, IL, USA.

What's your business, and who are your customers?

We are TBY Yoga (To Be You). TBY Yoga is an in-person yoga studio in Mundelein, IL, with an online yoga platform called 'TBY On-Demand.'

We offer straight-up functional, alignment-based yoga classes, videos, and events for anybody who wants to slow down, turn inward, relieve stress, and feel better in body and mind. We pride ourselves on being a welcoming place for everyone. We offer expertly sequenced yoga classes with skilled teachers in our quaint studio in the heart of downtown Mundelein. We also offer workshops, intensives, and yoga teacher training. Our community is amazing. Our members come from all walks of life, are an interesting bunch, and they teach us so much about being better teachers!

Tell us about yourself

I'd been practicing yoga for many years when an opportunity to purchase an existing studio dropped in our laps. My then-fiance (now husband) and I took the plunge, purchasing an existing studio where we were both yoga teachers. We are proud to be one of the most reputable studios in Chicagoland! We've worked hard to earn that title. I, Julia, am a self-starter. I put myself through college and then went on to work as a tv newscast producer for 15 years in top markets such as Orlando and Chicago. My passion for yoga eventually became my career. I am literally motivated to be the best teacher I can be because it makes me feel good about what I'm offering. Also, I really do love serving the students who seek me out for yoga. They keep me motivated to continually strive for excellence.

Here's my bio:

Growing up, Julia experienced migraine headaches and chronic back pain. It wasn’t until she found yoga in college and started deepening her practice that she realized the connection between physical and emotional pain. Yoga gave her the opportunity to get in touch with what she was truly feeling and take better care of herself, which resulted in the relief of many of her symptoms.

Today, Julia is passionate about sharing yoga in a therapeutic way for people experiencing physical pain, illness, or simply just wanting to feel better in their minds and body. She is known for combining alignment-based, mindful movement with wisdom teachings of yogic philosophy and Ayurveda. Julia enjoys working with athletes, those recovering from injuries and illness, and people with cerebral palsy and other physical limitations.

Julia has been practicing and studying yoga and meditation since 1991 and teaching since 2007. She has many years of therapeutics and general study with Gabriel Halpern, founder and former director of the Yoga Circle in Chicago. Julia also draws inspiration from Desiree Rumbaugh’s instruction and the wisdom of the Venerable Bhante Sujatha. She also holds a certification in Plant-Based Nutrition from eCornell and offers plant-based coaching and healthy lifestyle support.

Earning a degree in Broadcasting & Film with a minor in Sociology from the University of Central Missouri, Julia worked for more than a decade as a television newscast producer in the South Bend, Orlando, and Chicago markets. Julia blogs and writes articles about stress relief and mindful living. Among her published works is a children’s book, Just Me & The Trees, A Children’s Guide to Meditation. Julia is also the mother of a young adult and a teenager, and two rescue dogs. She enjoys nature walks, plant-based cooking, trail rides, reading, ballroom dancing, and of course, yoga.

What's your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?

Keeping our community together during the pandemic in spite of the fact that we lost our building. We are really proud of all the reinventing we've done. We love the current incarnation of our business!

What's one of the hardest things that comes with being a business owner?

You are always working and rarely get a day off! Good thing I really, really love what I do!

What are the top tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a business today?

  1. Just go for it because you won't know if you can do it until you take the plunge.
  2. Don't be afraid to color outside the line and think outside the box. The best creations all came to be just like that.
  3. Put everything you have into what you do! In other words, give it your all. I call that "no regret living." As long as I know I'm doing my best. I feel good about my work.

Where can people find you and your business?


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