Empowered Excellence - Tara Hissen

Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey in business development but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Tara Hissen, Founder of Empowered Excellence, located in Carlsbad, CA, USA.

What's your business, and who are your customers?

I have a strong belief that everything we do is rooted in strategy and in alignment with our values, and I believe that the best real estate agencies are built on the understanding that humans are intrinsic beings who should not be limited by simplistic thinking. Through up-leveling clients' minds, sales strategies, and the use of language, I help optimize their organizations and improve both their internal and client-facing experiences.

My business is focused on helping real estate agents improve their performance and achieve success in their careers through the use of Neuro Linguistics Programming (NLP) and Time Line Therapy®. My customers are real estate agents who are looking to take their businesses to the next level and attract more listings. These agents may be seeking my coaching services in order to overcome challenges, release negative emotions and limiting beliefs, and improve their communication and thinking patterns in order to achieve their goals.

Tell us about yourself

For the past decade, I've been coaching and helping people in some way or form. I used to work with people in wellness…Then I start working with different entrepreneurs. Actually, I left Microsoft, ditched the corporate world, and started in the wellness space; soon enough, I realized that even though some of my clients were getting results, and some of my clients weren't, I just couldn't put my finger on it…And I began to wonder, and it's good to wonder, isn't it? I began to wonder…and it hit me… I was just addressing surface-level stuff, which led me to my current business, Empowered Excellence. And because of my own personal and professional experiences and my desire to help others overcome challenges and achieve their goals.

I have always been passionate about helping others succeed, and I believe that by changing mental reprogramming, upgrading communication, and taking agents to the next level, I can make a positive impact in the world. So I got really fascinated about the mind and how we can create the results and environment we desire. Once I got those tools, I started working with serial entrepreneurs, people in solar, coaches, and all kinds of sales professionals… and once I implemented my new learnings in my coaching practice, the results each time were even more profound than the last. And one day, I got the opportunity to work with real estate agents, and working with them and seeing the impact that my coaching had on them made me realize that this is where I need to focus. I understand these people, I've invested in real estate for over ten years now, and I've lived and breathed it. I know what it takes to build relationships and how much suck and struggle you've got to get through before you get that multiple million dollar listing. And that was the moment for me that I decided I was going to make it my mission and purpose to work with real estate agents.

Even though I had all this experience, it felt like I was starting from scratch, and I know deep down in my bones that even though I was starting from scratch, I wasn't just starting over again; I was starting over again with half a decade of experience, half a decade of learning and lessons. And the difference now is that I have the tools and resources to create the environment that I want for myself because I am that individual.

What's your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?

My biggest accomplishment as a business owner has been transforming my clients' lives on a level I wasn't aware was possible.

What's one of the hardest things that comes with being a business owner?

Learning how to move away from instant gratification and moving towards consistency, knowing and believing the minutia tasking that you are doing as an entrepreneur will pay off in large dividends.

What are the top tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a business today?

  1. Get Clear. What do you specifically want? What are the outcomes you are looking to achieve from your business, and who are you going to do it for? Get crystal clear on this; otherwise, you'll end up spending several years figuring this out.
  2. Be Behaviorally Flexible. The business landscape is constantly changing, and things may get thrown at you left and right; being flexible is going to be key to your success as you remain agile and adapt to circumstances that you are met with.
  3. Take Consistent Action. No matter how uncomfortable or how much you don't like doing the task or things you get to do for your business, you've got to take consistent action and make sure you are doing these things daily, weekly, or monthly; otherwise, you will not have a business. Do the things that suck! Take ACTION!

Where can people find you and your business?

Website: https://www.evolvewithtara.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/evolvewithtara/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tarahissen/

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