Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey in personal development but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Tara Geraghty, founder of Pink Heart Inc., located in Franklin Lakes, NJ, USA.

What's your business, and who are your customers?

Hey Girl You Can is a global community of over 40,000 + women. We are founded on two guiding principles. That every interaction with HGYC leaves a woman feeling elevated, uplifted, inspired, and believing a little bit more... That she can! And that our community is a platform to give a woman space for her voice to be heard and honored. We are a community where women can find support, encouragement, and friendship and be reminded how significant and valuable they really are.

Tell us about yourself

I started my first business (which I still have) in the direct sales industry in 1998. I fell in love with entrepreneurship and mentoring women who wanted to build a business. I immersed myself in personal development classes, seminars, and conferences. I built my skills so I could be a better mentor and leader. I created the HGYC community during the covid pandemic in January of 2021. I found there was a deep need for women to have community, support, and encouragement. Most women have deep dreams in their hearts. They know they are meant for more. They just need encouragement and skills to rise to the next level. I am motivated by others' wins. There is nothing better than knowing it was something I said, a skill I shared, or a mindset I shifted which made a difference to someone.

What's your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?

Tangibly it's achieving the #1 spot in my state for my direct sales team. It's an amazing feeling knowing the organization you built is #1! However, accolades are fleeting. One day, someone else might be number one. My accomplishments need to be bigger than a scoreboard. It's the messages, cards, and emails I get from women telling me how I made a difference to them. Knowing what I do makes a difference is what's ultimately most important to me.

What's one of the hardest things that comes with being a business owner?

The work is never done. There is always something else to do. Learning how to "turn it on" and "turn it off" was a tough skill I had to develop in the beginning. I knew if I didn't master that, I would eventually burn out. Knowing what to say yes to is just as important as what to say no to.

What are the top tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a business today?

  1. Be willing to be inconvenienced for success. I was willing to be inconvenienced MANY times. Because of that, I can enjoy a level of freedom and flexibility in my life most people will never have.
  2. Be smart enough to know that you don't know much. Learn from others who have walked the road you want to go down. Entrepreneurship and personal development need to go hand and hand. What you read, watch and listen to will impact how successful you are. Humble yourself to take a student approach. Especially if you never owned a business before or if you did not grow up in a family that owned businesses. There is a learning curve.
  3. Be patient with yourself. Understand that as an employee, you worked an hour and got paid an hour. This is NOT how entrepreneurship works. You will work many hours that may not result in a direct monetary gain. However, once you build your business, you will enjoy the income you make when you aren't working. You will be able to stop trading time for money. There is no such thing as overnight success (and you will not be the exception). Be willing to do the work others don't so you can have what others won't.

Where can people find you and your business?


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