Taking your business to the next level - The Cintman Group

Taking your business to the next level - The Cintman Group

Interested in starting your entrepreneurial journey in business development, but not sure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Gerardo (Jerry) Gutierrez, owner of The Cintman Group, based in Austin, Texas, USA.

Tell us all about your business...

I merge technology and business providing customers with unique solutions, to solve branding, marketing, and product development problems.

What's your background and motivation to grow as a solopreneur?

I started as a tech solution provider, but found a passion for branding, marketing, and product development and found a way to merge it into one delivery of service. I'm motivated by the freedom to solve problems with creativity, data, and resourcefulness as I have had to do in my personal life.

What's your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?

Learning to fill the gaps in my knowledge and keeping my eye on the target. The Cintman Group has recently become approved by the Dallas ISD Board to provide marketing and comprehensive services.

What's one of the hardest things that come with being a solopreneur?

As a single employee of my business, the hardest thing is keeping energy and motivation. I still have to work while trying to build my business, and so it's long days, nights, weekends.

What are the top tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run or grow a small business today?

Find a mentor who is willing to help and advise. These are hard to find. Put yourself out there don't worry if you fail, it's part of it, you have no idea how much you don't know. Don't give up but don't stick to something that is failing, be ready and willing to pivot when you're starting, it's the best and maybe the only time you'll be able to.

What are some of the things you put in place to maintain a healthy work/life balance?

Went digital-only, learned that my passion is mine to own and while help from family is great, you have to own your passion and be ready to do it yourself with no hard feelings.

Is there anything else you'd like to share?

I can only speak from one perspective and that is a consultant business with only myself as a resource. Before you start a business envision what you want to build (not the services, or the product) but your brand. The products and services will develop over time because you will not know what you're going to sell but you can know what you want your brand to be. If this doesn't make sense to you then call my company, and I'll help you build your brand.

Where can people find you?

Home - The Cintman Group
The Cintman Group helps businesses plan growth through innovative information-lead strategy, marketing, efficiency, project management, and training.

If you like what you've read here and have your own story as a solopreneur that you'd like to share then email community@subkit.com, we'd love to feature your journey on these pages.

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