CODDLE is a postpartum care company giving moms the products, resources, and education they need to navigate the most underrated and physically taxing experience 90% of women will have in their life — Postpartum Recovery.
I create artisanal botanical perfumes and other handmade seasonal offerings with pure, plant-based ingredients. As I write on my website — "I regard the natural world, and my work with plants, with the highest sense of scholarship, reverence, magic, alchemy, and heart."
Purple Sugar Pastries provides baking kits of cakes, cookies, and other pastries that everyone, from beginners (including children) to the experienced baker, can make!
Sunflower Creative Co. is a Food Photography, Recipe Creation, and Content Writing Agency. The company's mission is to produce invaluable content for customers to elevate their business.
If I had to start again from scratch, I would recommend spending a year or even more building up an online presence of the thing you want to make a living at while earning income with something stable like a 9 to 5 job.
The field of photography is very competitive. With smartphones being what they are, many people will choose to capture their own photos instead of commissioning a photographer to memorialize a special moment which can sometimes be very expensive.