Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Meredith Brough, Founder and Owner of Sweet Slumber, located in Marion, IA, USA.

What's your business, and who are your customers?

I am the owner of Sweet Slumber, as well as a sleep coach and a mentor. I believe that women deserve the opportunity to redefine themselves in their roles as new mothers and feel reassured that they are doing their best while staying connected to their old selves.

Through establishing healthy and peaceful sleep patterns using my Supported Sleep System, mothers can optimize their children’s sleep and their own sleep, which stabilizes the home. By shifting mindsets, fine-tuning their intuition and instincts, and becoming more aware of their children’s needs, they can find the space to elevate themselves, gain confidence, and feel at peace.

I teach sleep consultants and other birth-world professionals and run an agency of sleep coaches, too.

Tell us about yourself

I am the mother of 5 children; my first child was a terrible sleeper. It gave me so much anxiety to think of losing even more sleep when I got pregnant the 2nd time. I studied and tried different sleep solutions in books and successfully got my 2nd child to sleep through the night at 8 weeks old. My next three kids were the same way. My life was wonderful because I was rested and not frazzled or overwhelmed.

I ran a daycare in my home for 15 years during this time of raising my babies and helped the families with their sleep, too. Then I helped a very fragile mom (she was very sick and had severe postpartum depression). Her twin 2-month-olds' sleep and health were suffering, and I helped her get them to sleep for 8 hours within a week. That's when I realized that my gift and abilities were very important and could be life-changing. I felt like women needed my help, so I decided to start a sleep coaching business, not knowing that sleep consultants were a thing. :)

I am in love with my peaceful sleep methods and tools. I love helping spirited and sensitive babies. I love changing lives and touching the hearts of women in need. I love helping moms feel great and get their babies to thrive in every way.

I also teach sleep consultants; this is a passion as well. I love giving them more tools so they can help families establish strong sleep habits in a nurturing, delicate, supportive way. My job is very rewarding!

Lastly, I love hosting a podcast, running a Facebook Group (@Successful Sleep), and helping people on social media. It's awesome to get thank you notes from the people I help. This is very motivating.

What's your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?

I am very proud of the six tear-free methods that I've created to help little ones feel safe and trusting and empower them to self-settle and sleep better at night and during naps. Second to that is the number of countries I have reached in different areas of my work:

  • My clients are from more than 20 countries.
  • My FB group members are from 100 countries.
  • My podcast listeners are from 44 countries.

What's one of the hardest things that come with being a business owner?

Balance: finding time for everything that needs to be done and still managing family life and personal needs, not dropping the ball anywhere. Ideally, we would all have assistants to help us balance, but it takes time to be able to afford that kind of support.

What are the top tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a business today?

  1. Take out a loan to hire a business coach to help you do things right from the start and spend money on marketing.
  2. Only DIY (do-it-yourself) when you know what you're doing and can't afford to get help, but do lots of research and ask around to do this successfully.
  3. Surround yourself with a support team: a local business network, a Facebook group, or a non-profit community to help you along the way. (I have had all of these, and it's been awesome.)

Is there anything else you'd like to share?

Be open to collaborating and networking. There will be people along the way who can help you, cheer you on, and give you great ideas. This has been a huge part of my success story, and I am indebted to the many people who have been there for me.

Also, visualize, use affirmations, and manifest what you would like to see happen in your business. You'll need these tools plus prayer to get through the ups and downs. I have depended on them and God along the way; they've made all the difference in my story. During low times, I always work hard to learn and stay busy, and that has served me well, too.

Where can people find you and your business?


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