Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey in training and education but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Cassandra Bruington, Founder of Supplemental Education LLC., located in Kansas City, MO, USA.

What's your business, and who are your customers?

Supplemental Education is a virtual tutoring program that supports K-12 learners. SuppEd creates personalized roadmaps and learning plans and uses engaging lessons to help children grow both academically and in confidence to learn. We deliver accelerated results for busy intentional parents through our online tutoring program and a coaching program for educators. Supplemental Education's WebApp offers one on one virtual tutoring for children in K through 12th grade. We create personalized roadmaps and learning plans and use creative, engaging activities that help your child learn online. Rather than the DIY approach of our competitors, Supplemental Education hires experienced educators that can partner with parents to support a child's unique learning needs. By reinforcing skills taught at school and needed for the real world, Supplemental Education students gain autonomy over their learning as well as the confidence that accompanies a growth mindset – "if I work hard and practice, I can learn and grow in any area."

Tell us about yourself

I love to see parents witness the results of their child's growth. They provide good feedback. Some of that feedback comes from parents keeping their children enrolled in tutoring. I have a student who has been with Supplemental Education for almost a year. His family is committed to the process. We have had students grow academically and socially in scores and confidence. I was the kid who talked too much in class. A speaker. I was bossy. A leader. And I loved challenging the rules that didn't seem fair for everyone. An advocate. I started my business in 2020 when COVID-19 forced us to make changes to education, from in-person to virtual. I already believe that every learner is unique. I felt compelled to help parents understand how to ensure success, even though the unknown challenges of virtual learning. Supplemental Education provides individualized roadmaps that help us set targeted goals and then highlight student growth. If students, parents, and teachers work as partners, success is guaranteed. I'm motivated by my experiences as a student, teacher, and parent. My perspective about and commitment to serving children is funneling the necessary changes in education now and for the future.

What's your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?

I built an app! Well, I hired a team to build it, and we did it. There have been many lessons and challenges along the way, but when I envisioned a virtual tutoring company that made learning simple as an app, I was determined to bring it to fruition. The app signifies to me (and others) that I believe in education, virtual learning, and parent/teacher partnership. I know what it takes to have students experience accelerated growth. We've had a dozen students in over eight cities, and our community of support is global. Supplemental Education represents a commitment to ensure the success and future of education, which is forward-moving. Parents and children deserve success in the classroom, in person, and/or virtual. We are in our third year of business, and our plan is even clearer. To start a business is huge, but to remain in business is major. Supplemental Education addressed a need that COVID-19 highlighted, but with 33% of third and eighth graders reaching proficiency in math and reading, we are necessary for now and the future of learning.

What's one of the hardest things that comes with being a business owner?

I've had to normalize failure as finding ways "not" to do things. Failing forward is a part of success in business. Sometimes that means losing money, business relationships, or clients and customers. As long as we operate with integrity and understand that we have room to learn and grow as a company, I have learned that my team and our mission are strengthened as we gain more insight into what our customers need and desire. As we fail forward. I love to win. One of my top strengths is COMPETITION - in the gym, in life, and in business. So, this has been monumental for me to adopt a strong growth mindset in my business. I understand that as an educator, and it applies just as much to being a business owner. I'm learning to run in stride, reset, and hit new milestones with even more perspective that I'm in this for the long haul. I'm committed to children, parents, and their families. If it takes a few failures along the way, that's okay because I know that Supplemental Education will change the face and function of education around the world.

What are the top tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a business today?

Start, pause and reflect, and restart. It's really that simple. The difference between you and your favorite business owner is that they got started. There is so much information out there. Free information. There are resources like this one that regularly spotlights people doing extraordinary things because they decided to get started. Find a community of "starters" and learn to take moments to pause and reflect and then keep going. If the idea keeps you up at night if you see signs to start your business during the day, and if you've been contemplating this for years...get started! Pause and reflect. Then restart.

Where can people find you and your business?


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