Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Suki Stone, CEO and Founder of Stone Educational Systems, located in San Diego, CA, USA.

What's your organization, and who are your members?

My business is a comprehensive literacy program, Write Read Lead. I created the program to teach children and adults with dyslexia or people who struggle with reading to have proficient reading skills in 14 days or less. Since my company is also a 501c3 nonprofit, my customers are also people who want to donate money or become angel benefactors to help my mission of eradicating illiteracy in the country. I am also training teachers to work with my collaboration with other nonprofit corporations who have clientele who need reading skills.

Tell us about yourself

I loved working with children and spent several years as a special education teacher helping children with learning disabilities. I realized after a few years that the traditional school structure and authoritative demeanor were uncomfortable for me. I chose to leave the district and met a man who asked me to teach his grandson and 2 of his grandson's friends. This man became my angel benefactor and helped me create my nonprofit corporation business to help other children and adults who struggled with literacy. What motivates me each day is to see the children excited to share their stories with me. They love to teach me what they know, and they feel good that they can finally learn to read.

What's your biggest accomplishment as an organization?

My biggest accomplishment is knowing that all the children and adults completing my literacy program are independent readers fulfilling their own dreams. Children graduated from college when they were told they would never be able to attend college. An adult who was told he would never fulfill his vision to be a manager but has been a manager for several corporations for 26 years.

What's one of the hardest things that comes with being an organization?

One of the hardest things as a business owner is to hire people that see the same vision and mission I have. Also, to make sure they work well with customers or, in my case, clients.

What are the top tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow an organization today?

  1. Make sure you are specific about your reason for starting the business. Try to fill a gap in your industry. Something that no one else does.
  2. Bring people that support your vision and mission into the business. Interview them with a family member or someone you can trust that has your back.
  3. Create and construct a business plan for your current and future needs. Research a business plan that you may copy. Attend short classes at your city business association. These classes are not expensive but are taught by retired people who own and run their own businesses. They are VERY helpful.

Where can people find you and your group?


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