Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey in health and wellness but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Jamie Norwood, Co-Founder of Stix, located in Brooklyn, NY, USA.

What's your business, and who are your customers?

Stix is a vaginal and reproductive health brand that offers discreet and effective at-home tests for pregnancy, ovulation, UTIs, and yeast infections, as well as medications, including a morning-after pill, pain relief, and treatments. These cult-favorite products are clinically-tested and competitively priced, all while destigmatizing health issues, eliminating judgment, expanding accessibility, and delivering peace of mind. Stix prides itself on delivering these products discreetly and confidentially, all while offering up no-judgment information and products that empower confident health decisions.

Tell us about yourself

My first job out of college was at an early-stage startup, and I saw firsthand what it's like to build a business from the ground up. I loved the dynamic of a fast-paced, small team and was really passionate about the mission. A few years into that job, my coworker Cynthia and I were discussing women's health products, specifically pregnancy tests, and we realized that there might be an opportunity for us to build something of our own. Cynthia became my co-founder, and we dove into the world of entrepreneurship for ourselves! I love working on a mission-driven business, and the concept of doing well and doing good keeps me motivated. Nowadays, reading our customer reviews is my favorite thing ever, and just knowing we're making women's lives easier means the world!

What's your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?

My proudest moment and biggest accomplishment with Stix was seeing how eager people were to donate and get involved with our Restart Morning-After Pill Donation Bank. We've donated over 15,000 morning-after pills to people who need them most. Once the SCOTUS leak happened, we knew we wanted to be able to support people who would lose essential reproductive healthcare by more than just offering a product to buy. We wanted to be able to allow people to get Restart for free since various circumstances would keep a person from buying emergency contraception. So, when we started receiving amazing donations and support, we knew that we were helping to make a difference in vaginal and reproductive health – even if it was just a small step.

What's one of the hardest things that comes with being a business owner?

The mental toll it takes. I'm working on accepting that it's going to continue being really hard, and that's okay. But I don't think anyone can prepare you for how truly hard it can be. There have been moments where I've felt at my wit's end, questioning if I'm really cut out for it. Those moments, however, always pass, and I'm so grateful for this journey. I'm always in awe of how Cynthia and I make it through those low lows and come out stronger for it.

What are the top tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a business today?

  1. Choose a co-founder you trust and know you work well with. It can be lonely, and having the right co-founder makes all the difference.
  2. Ask for help every chance you get! Keep asking for introductions, advice, suggestions, etc.
  3. Talk to your customers as often as possible. Whether that's actual conversations, surveys, reading reviews, or social comments.

Where can people find you and your business?


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