Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey in publication but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Judy Weintraub, Founder of SkillBites LLC., located in Valley Forge, PA, USA.

What's your business, and who are your customers?

SkillBites is a publishing platform that was designed specifically to help business owners and professionals get books written and published. Being a published author can greatly enhance the credibility and visibility of the author and assist in growing a business.

Tell us about yourself

A little over ten years ago, I wanted to take the articles I had written and the presentations I had given in my legal career and repurpose the content into a series of short books. I couldn't find a good platform that would make it much easier for me to do that, so I self-published my first book. I was then asked by several colleagues to help them get their books published, and in the process, I learned much more efficient ways to get a book published. I decided to create a publishing platform to help other business owners and professionals get their books done.

What's your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?

Helping hundreds of business owners and professionals with their books.

What's one of the hardest things that comes with being a business owner?

Getting people to know about and appreciate your expertise. That's why publishing a book is so powerful -- it provides immediate recognition of one's expertise.

What are the top tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a business today?

  1. Have at least 18 months of cash to fund your life, as it will likely take that long (or longer) before you are able to support yourself from your business.
  2. Get help. There are lots of resources out there, such as SCORE, SBDC, and incubator programs.
  3. Join an association that your target audience is likely to belong to and become

Where can people find you and your business?


If you like what you've read here and have your own story as a solo or small business entrepreneur that you'd like to share, then please answer these interview questions. We'd love to feature your journey on these pages.

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