The "Old World" Style - Seraphim Bread

Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey in food and beverage but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Tyler Gallagher, owner of Seraphim Bread, located in Salina, KS, USA.

What's your business, and who are your customers?

Seraphim Bread is an artisan bread bakery and sandwich shop in Salina, KS. I specialize in sourdough breads, cinnamon rolls and pastries, artisan sandwiches, and soups. We source locally and change our menu quarterly by the season to use the best produce of each season and represent the flavors of Kansas. Kansas' culinary tradition began with foreign settlers, immigrating from Germany, Sweden, Czech, and Quebec. I serve modern flavor using an old-world style.

Tell us about yourself

I never actually dreamed of being a baker before starting this bakery. I have worked in restaurants since I was in high school and was an aspiring chef who worked in some of the best restaurants in Kansas City, MO. The experience was successful, but I was always wanting to return to central Kansas to help restore an ever-devolving food system. I absolutely loved getting produce straight from local farmers and cooking seasonally, so I wanted to bridge the gap between farmer and consumer outside of the urban areas. When I was planning a business, I couldn't get over that there was not a single bakery in the area. And we lived in the largest wheat-producing area of the U.S.! And since a bakery is cheaper than opening a restaurant, I began baking breads for retail and wholesale in an 800 square foot building downtown in January 2018. From there, I've grown year after year to do sandwiches and lunches and planning to expand operations this next year.

What's your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?

Honestly, it's starting this business with literally no money and growing with straight courage and love. You don't need anything fancy or thrown tons of money to make it in life, but if you believe in yourself and your product, you can battle issues better and make it all work out. Now my loans are paid off, and I can upgrade equipment while also having a great following.

What's one of the hardest things that come with being a business owner?

The hardest part was battling my own ego against not burning myself out. You have to let your business grow slowly and set foundations to build upon naturally. There are high times, low times, and all the stresses in between. The first few years are dreadful as you try to gain a following and set your own identity. I used to overwork myself to the floor, and after a while, it begins to drain me. So I learned to set limits and focus on only exactly where I wanted to go. Don't let external chatter affect your choices. I learned to become much more peaceful in my attitude, and that aura directly affects your employees and patrons.

What are the top tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a business today?

If you have a dream, take it and manifest it! Make it come from your heart. Each day it grows and grows. Be ready to live that life every moment. If it's what you like, then it's never working! Make clear goals and stick to them. Outside voices are options, but they are never who you truly are.

Where can people find you and your business?


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