Area's Leading Jeweler - Security Jewelers

Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey in jewelry but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Kyle Genereau, co-owner, and general manager of Security Jewelers, located in Duluth, MN, USA.

What's your business, and who are your customers?

We are Security Jewelers; this is our 98th year in business. We are proud to say that we have customers from all over the US! We have earned the trust of customers coming from 4th generations and have witnessed in the store on many occasions tears of happiness and support for outstanding customer service! We strive to give our customers an experience they won't receive anywhere else!

Tell us about yourself

My brother worked at Security Jewelers for seven years when I was in my senior year of college. While home from that year for Thanksgiving, he asked me if I would go with him to pick up the owners of the store as we had just gotten a big snowstorm. I met the owners at the airport, and I carried their luggage for them and started a conversation. We talked for a half-hour at the airport. They called me a week later and said, "We realize it's your senior year. Before you make any decisions on a career, we would love to have you work at the store with us!" That was it; with the idea, I could work with my brother and sell jewelry at such a respected store, I made my decision. I remember my first day explaining to Stuart, one of the previous owners, "I don't know the first thing about jewelry." He explained to me that as long as I was honest with customers and treated them with respect (and had fun gabbing with them), everything else would fall into place. Eighteen years later, I continue to follow that model and try to express that with all of my employees!

What's your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?

Besides making it through 3 years of road construction on our main street right in front of our store and dealing with shutting down during COVID with numerous employees and partners quitting and retiring. The biggest accomplishment is honestly the joy I get every time a customer walks out my front door with a big thank you and smile on their faces! That is what it's all about!

What's one of the hardest things that come with being a business owner?

Hiring the right people and maintaining a healthy and happy crew. In order to give a great customer experience, the morale of our crew is most important. Managing that part of it can be quite challenging at times. Having the right employees makes this much more manageable.

What are the top tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a business today?

  1. Be honest with yourself, your crew, and your customers.
  2. Remember that to startup, you may feel like you are going backward, but just like a Ferris wheel, hang on, ride it out, and you will eventually go forward and make it to the top!
  3. Be an unselfish leader. Give your crew freedom to make an important decision; it will give everyone more confidence and provide a more trusting environment.

Is there anything else you'd like to share?

Be kind and share your beautiful smile!

Where can people find you and your business?


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