Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey in health and wellness but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Tresa Marie Staeven, Founder of Scented Path, located in Montreal, QC, Canada.

What's your business, and who are your customers?

Life and everything around us is always in motion, and we (as individuals and as a community) are constantly trying to maneuver through life and do not always find the support we need. Scented Path is here to provide that support directly and indirectly. Scented Path is an aromatherapy center that focuses on a holistic approach to wellness and bringing the physical, emotional, and mental well-being of an individual into balance. Scented Path is 100% focused on each person individually, meeting them where they are at and working with them on their own wellness journey. Aromatherapy offers a wide array of health benefits, such as relaxing the nervous system, reducing stress and anxiety, alleviating aches and pains, and bettering concentration. Serving each other is foundational to the mission of Scented Path. In addition, we are building an establishment that is built around the following pillars:

  • Building Trust
  • Listening Actively
  • Having Empathy
  • Being Compassionate
  • Empowering Others

In my own wellness journey, I overcame post-traumatic anxiety disorder (PTSD), and I did so through the abundance of support I received from health professionals, family, friends, and aromatherapy. All in all, I could not do it on my own, but through the community of support around me, I was able to come out on top. This experience is one of the reasons I opened Scented Path and want to provide a place for individuals not only to be cared for but to do so in a way that is supportive, encouraging, and empowering. At the end of the day, we are not alone in this world, so let's live together in a way that builds each of us so we all can be the best we can be!

Tell us about yourself

I help with scents. I encountered the world of aromatherapy by happenstance. I had heard of essential oils, but I chalked it up to being something that the "hippies" of our day are using. That all changed when one summer, I was searching for alternatives to the common mosquito repellant. The common repellent has never worked for me, I do not like the scent, and I worry about the long-term effect that the chemicals have on us. I did endless Google searches on alternatives and kept landing on essential oils. I threw my hands in the air and said, "Ok, let's try this!" I ordered some oils (it's a secret which ones…shhh!) and some other supplies and made my own repellent. My husband and I went on several hikes, and not only did we not encounter any mosquitoes, but we also were not bothered by any insects. The big test came, though, when we went on a tour of Farnsworth House. This architectural site sits along a river in a wooded area. Clouds of mosquitoes could be seen on the river and flying amongst our group. The can of insect repellent was passed around the group so quickly that one may have thought it was a ritual ceremony, especially when you pair that with the "dancing" that was going on, trying to rid themselves of the mosquitoes. For us, it was a different experience…only one mosquito came near us and flew away even before landing on us. Needless to say, the essential oil repellent worked!!!

After that vacation, I continued to read more about essential oils and became more and more interested, especially once I learned that there is science and chemistry behind it all that can be applied. I continued to dabble but wanted to know more and know best practices, so in 2018, I enrolled in a certification program. The more I learned, the more I was captivated and began dreaming. Since that first insect repellent blend, I have used essential oils for so much: headaches, muscle aches, arthritis aches, bruising, anxiety, insomnia, plantar fasciitis, eczema, and the list goes on. We all have our life experiences. I was employed in the software industry for over 20 years, primarily working as a Product Manager. In early 2020, I was looking to return to work after taking a medical leave after being diagnosed with PTSD, which resulted in anxiety and panic attacks. Shortly thereafter, restrictions and shutdowns for COVID-19 were put in place. It was through these circumstances that I decided to leave my job and fast forward my dream of opening an aromatherapy clinic.

I understand the day-to-day of what it means to have a work-life balance, the stresses that it brings, and the balance that is needed with the many other facets of life. I also understand that we are all different. We may have similar things we deal with, but we all differ in our approach and how we are impacted. Stress is a good example of this, as it is something that we have all experienced in one way or another, but how do you respond to it? What I do is that we discuss you and you alone to determine the best approach with aromatherapy as well as other tools for you to have in your back pocket. What I love about aromatherapy, other than it being natural, is that it is something that compliments standard medicine. It also is something that is easy to use since whatever is done is either inhaled or applied topically. What are the pain points in your life? Stress? Anxiety? Fatigue? Muscle aches? Headaches? Worry? Anger? Digestion? Whatever the reason, aromatherapy can play an integral role in bettering your life. I am passionate about helping you. My approach is focused on you as an individual, where you are today, and what your goals are, and I support you in meeting your goals.

What's your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?

There are a lot of ways that I can answer this question, but I would say that my biggest accomplishment is daring to dream and having that dream become a reality. Even today, that still holds true as I dream of new offerings or products and then putting the wheels in motion to make it a reality. It never gets old to dream and see it all come to life.

What's one of the hardest things that comes with being a business owner?

One of the hardest things that come with being a business owner is doubt. Doubt is one of those things that will pop up, but it is just as important to fight against it. If your business is something that you believe in, then it is vitally important to be passionate and to show the value that it brings. Starting a business takes time, but consistency is key to your messaging, passion, and value as you grow.

What are the top tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a business today?

  1. It is a lot of work, but if it is something you are passionate about, have a vision for, and overall you identify with, it is really not work :)
  2. Know your skills and know especially what you are not as good at. The latter will take you longer to get your arms around, and it is ok to outsource such tasks to others if needed.
  3. Know how you will reach your market, how you differ from the competition, and most importantly, show the value that your customers will receive. They may be paying you for the product or service, but it is their full experience that matters to them.
  4. Partner with like-minded businesses to build a network.
  5. Be yourself.

Where can people find you and your business?


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