Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey in freelancing but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Jodi Rollins, Owner of Rollins Creative, located in Brawley, CA, USA.

What's your business, and who are your customers?

My business has changed since COVID. Pre-COVID, I have been producing large-scale events, including an agricultural expo and a women’s business empowerment event, as well as offering social media management and content services, photography and video services, and marketing consultant services. My biggest annual event was all set to take place for the third year in a row in April 2020. As we all may remember March 2020, everything shut down, and I had to cancel the event. That fall, I decided to start a podcast called Big Time Small Talk - something I had wanted to do for years but was too fearful to start. Cut to 2023, and I’ve been doing it ever since. My show has now been listened to in over 40 countries and has thousands and thousands of downloads. Now I’m embarking on my own YouTube channel where I will VLOG. I will continue to tell stories, share observations, and opinions that go beyond small talk. I deep dive into issues that society says we should not talk about, like anxiety and depression, race, politics, and social issues, plus pop culture, and my own life stories as well.  I am lucky enough to be a micro-influencer, and companies reach out to me for both product endorsement and interviews. I was on a reality TV show ten years ago, CBS Big Brother, which created my original following. I’m not sure how my podcast or my YouTube would be without it. I hope to continue to grow my brand to include more speaking engagements and someday a book. As for producing events and marketing services, those have taken a backseat - and I am happy with that! If it weren’t for COVID, I doubt I would’ve had the time or the courage to endeavor into my podcast my YouTube channel. While I loved producing events and expect to do them again sometime in the future, for now, I am focused solely on the entertainment aspects of my business.

Tell us about yourself

This is always an interesting question because I have always been an entrepreneur. When I was in fifth grade, I sold fluffy stickers and had my own newspaper. When I was in middle school, I sold personalized balloon bouquets. After college, I had my own singing telegram business, and then I had a web company back in the late 90s, so I’ve always done some sort of entrepreneurial thing, even when I was too little to have my own bank account. My mom was also an entrepreneur, so sometimes I think it’s because she inspired me. I never had a sense that women couldn’t do anything they wanted to, which is interesting, considering I am not only a female, but I am also black as well. I never let being a double minority stop me. I’m an ideas person; I love creating based on those ideas, and that’s how it all started. Back in 2014, I started my events and marketing company because I couldn’t find the kind of job that I wanted, so I figured I would create it myself. And that’s just what I did. Here I am today, reaping the benefits of those creative decisions. I did not let fear or doubt get in my way.

What's your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?

I think there are several accomplishments that I am proud of. But if I had to name one, I am the proud of my agricultural expo. It was a two-day event that included a scholarship and grant dinner, live music, vendor, booths, machine, and implement displays and demos, a kid’s zone and more. I live in an agricultural valley where “Ag,” as we call it, is the number one industry - it is a multi-billion-dollar industry, and no one was doing Ag expo’s until my husband, who runs a large industrial harvesting company, inspired me to do so. As you can imagine, when most people think of agriculture, they think of the stereotype of old white men. And that’s just what the demographics are- in general. I was the sole black female in my entire county of 200K, working in agriculture in any capacity. Do you want to talk scary? Have meetings with old white farmers, who have never done business with a black woman, or even many women at all for that matter, and try to get them to give you sponsorship funds. I did it time and time again. And because of that financial support, I was able to produce my events annually. So for that I am incredibly proud.

What's one of the hardest things that comes with being a business owner?

For me, I would say the financial aspects, paying bills, taxes, regulations, and that stuff is not fun, and it is certainly not my strength. But it has to be done.

What are the top tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a business today?

First, proceed as if you know you’re going to be a success, do not let fear and doubt hold you back. Next, I would say start a business that will solve a problem - the product or service you create needs to solve a problem that already exists. Something that is missing or something that is needed. In my opinion, those are the most successful businesses. And lastly, make sure it’s something you genuinely care about, because there will be hard times when you don’t want to do it anymore.  You will want to give up. There is no off time when you’re an entrepreneur. You will wake up thinking about your business. You will go to sleep thinking about your business. You’ll be thinking about it in the drive-through at Starbucks, at the gym, the dentist, while filling your car with gas; there is no off time. If you can live like this, go for it! The rewards are great! And one bonus tip: Enjoy it. There are so many amazing moments where you will be inspired by what you have accomplished and proud of yourself. Don’t let those moments escape you. Acknowledge them, pat yourself on the back, celebrate the wins and keep going. You got this!

Where can people find you and your business?


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