Learn How to Make Designer Resin Jewellery - Resin Made Simple

Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Myléne Hillam, Founder of Resin Made Simple, located in Brisbane, QLD, Australia.

What's your business, and who are your customers?

I created Resin Made Simple online classes to help beginners get started in resin. The Resin School program helps resin beginners avoid the mistakes that newbies make and gets them on the fast track to working successfully with resin. The classes are delivered online, so students are located all over the world. Most students have already given resin a go on their own... and failed. So when they come to Resin School, they get the right information delivered to them, all in one place. And because the classes are self-paced, students can either binge-watch them all at once or take their time to progress through the courses.

Tell us about yourself

In the early 2000s, I was a design team member for a silicone mould manufacturer, creating mixed media and papercraft projects. Their next product was a line of silicone bangle bracelet moulds. They were designed for resin... so I had to learn how to use resin. This was way back when the internet was just taking off, and YouTube barely existed. There were no books on resin to speak of, and resin was more of an industrial product than an art or craft medium. Learning how to use resin was challenging because any information available was technical (not written for a crafter). So I had to make the mistakes myself and learn from them. And let's just say; I learned a lot!

Resin is an intriguing medium to work with - you take 2 liquids, mix them together, and they turn into a solid. I became totally obsessed with this process and made hundreds of resin bracelets. What started as a hobby soon turned into a business... It was an obvious step to take what I had learned to help others make really cool things with resin. I already knew their problems and challenges, so I began teaching small groups and private classes from my studio. I eventually branched into making resin homewares and resin art to teach new techniques. These were wildly successful and became the staple of my studio classes. But I had reached a point where I couldn't scale my business. It was clear that online classes could help me reach so many more people. And that's when I bundled all the different classes I taught into an online learning school. Now I can help people worldwide learn how to resin and avoid the steep learning curve I encountered.

What's your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?

My biggest accomplishment has been to build a worldwide resin community where I can help beginners overcome the challenges of working with resin. It's an honour that students choose me to guide them on their journey into the world of resin. The most gratifying moment is when a student comes back to tell you that they've had a wonderful learning experience... that's when you know you've done what you set out to achieve.

What's one of the hardest things that comes with being a business owner?

Working from my home studio has its advantages... it's just a few short steps to walk into the studio in the morning. But that is also its biggest drawback. It's so close that defining clear work hours, so you have a boundary between work and life is sometimes difficult, especially when time zones from around the world come into play.

What are the top tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a business today?

  1. There's no need to work it all out for yourself. Reach out for help - a mentor or business coach (even if you can only afford them for a few consults) will be your support when things are tough and your guide to keep you moving forward.
  2. Outsource your menial tasks to a VA as soon as you can afford to so you can concentrate on growing your business instead of getting bogged down in busy work.
  3. Get social and build a following. This is where you'll find "your" people... the people who get you and want what you've got to sell.

Where can people find you and your business?

Website: https://app.resinmadesimple.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/milllanestudio
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/milllanestudio/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mylenehillam/

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