True to Family, True to Flavor - Renfro Foods

Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey in food and beverage but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Doug Renfro, president of Renfro Foods, Inc., located in Fort Worth, TX, USA.

What's your business, and who are your customers?

We are an 82-year-old food manufacturer specializing in condiments such as salsa, relish, bbq sauce, cheese dips, and bean dips. We have three primary types of customers: Mrs. Renfro's branded retail, co-pack/private label retail, and food service. The latter two tend to be very confidential in terms of customer identity, but if you took me into any grocery store in the nation, I could probably show you at least two other brands that we make in addition to Mrs. Renfro's. But then I'd have to kill you, so let's not do that.

Tell us about yourself

I worked every summer from 6th grade through high school, working at the very worst, nastiest, and dirtiest jobs in our factory. I "advanced" to mixing the spices during my undergraduate days of college. Having the world's most interesting-smelling Subaru was a result of playing with spices all day. I left for the corporate world for seven years. The training and the money were both great, but a giant corporation will suck the soul right out of you. I came back to our family business thirty years ago in order to be in the thick of things and to be able to impact all aspects of the business. Seeing my grandmother on each jar is extremely motivational! I did the math a while back and found that her image has been printed well over 50 million times. That brings a tear to my eye every time that I think about it. My two cousins and I now run the business. My dad comes to lunch once or twice a week, and we keep him updated, as well as my aunt, who also owns a portion of the company. We're all extremely hands-on and involved with all details of the company.

What's your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?

Our biggest accomplishment, to me, has been to become the #1 independent salsa brand in the nation. Thirty years ago, you couldn't find our brand on a major grocery store shelf in Dallas-Fort Worth, although we had some placement in Milwaukee, San Francisco, and other random locations. We now produce 195 jars per minute, whereas, in the early days, my father and uncle helped my grandfather fill jars with a spoon!

What's one of the hardest things that come with being a business owner?

The hardest thing about being a business owner is that it's 24/7. On vacation, my cousins and I have to spend time on work emails each morning, sometimes having to also log into the accounting system and/or server. There is also no end to potential problems and catastrophes. On the bright side, when you create a great product with your family's name on it, you feel a tremendous amount of pride.

What are the top tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a business today?

Although you can't be a complete idiot, I feel that perseverance, tenacity, and persistence are more important than raw intelligence. Owning a business is like being in battle each day. You're going to get beat down many times, but you have to keep getting up over and over again. If you do that, you'll occasionally score some points and win some fights. Follow your vision, no matter what negativity you come up against. If you're right about your core concepts, you'll eventually reach your goal.

Is there anything else you'd like to share?

Making great products that are affordable for everyone, while working with your family . . . is the best!

Where can people find you and your business?


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