You're biting into a crunchy, savory snack that not only satisfies your chip craving but also packs a protein punch. Now picture the journey of the entrepreneur behind that snack – a tale of gym sessions, countless rejections, and a five-year battle for shelf space.

Join Bora Celik as he chats with Mark Samuel, the founder of  IWON Organics.

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"I've always started my own thing for the last 22, 23 years," Mark tells us, his voice carrying the weight of experience and the excitement of possibility. But his latest venture, IWON Organics, wasn't born in a boardroom. It was conceived in the gym, between sets and protein shakes, where Mark spotted a gap in the market that was begging to be filled.

"I thought there was a void in savory protein snacks," he explains, leaning in as if sharing a secret. "There were bars that had been around for quite some time. Always a sweet-esque centric thing associated with them. And there was really nothing, in my opinion, that was in the savory categories that had to do with taste and texture that were more related to chips."

And so, armed with a passion for fitness and a hunger for innovation, Mark set out on a journey that would challenge everything he thought he knew about business. Little did he know, he was about to enter a world where success is measured in shelf space, and perseverance is tested one puff at a time.

And so, IWON Organics was born. But as Mark quickly learned, the food and beverage industry isn't all smooth sailing and tasty snacks.

"There are so many things that I've learned over the eight years," Mark admits. "I would say more so than any other category that I have been in... It's just a completely different animal than I had ever been a part of."

One of the biggest challenges? Capital. As Mark puts it, "You need a lot of capital in this business to scale. And it's really that simple. And then I'll leave you with, and it's a lot more than you think."

Despite the challenges, IWON Organics has seen its share of successes. The brand recently secured a national rollout with Whole Foods, a feat that took five years of persistence. "We did just receive national rollout though," Mark shares. "So we went from one region to two, from two to five regions. That was last year, basically 18 months ago. And then this last reset, we did get confirmation that we were gonna get the national rollout. So that's all 510 plus stores, which is amazing."

But success in the snack world isn't just about shelf space. It's about getting people to try your product. For IWON Organics, this meant a lot of time spent in stores, offering samples. "Early on when we had a little bit of capital and we were able to deploy in areas that really benefited us, it was standing at Whole Foods specifically when we were in that original region and standing there with the table and saying, 'You gotta try these puffs,'" Mark recalls.

Looking ahead, Mark remains cautiously optimistic. While IWON Organics faces ongoing challenges, particularly around capitalization, Mark's entrepreneurial spirit keeps him moving forward. "I'm excited about what's to come," he says.

As our conversation winds down, Mark reminds us that there's more to life than just business. With a smile in his voice, he shares, "Sports is starting and school starting for the kids. And I'm excited about that because that means we've got a couple leagues that are going to be starting here. And I'm going to participate in these coaching and stuff. And I love it. I love it. It's part of my being and I enjoy doing that."

From the gym to the grocery aisle, from pea protein to youth sports, Mark Samuel's journey with IWON Organics is a testament to the ups and downs of entrepreneurship. It's a reminder that behind every snack on the shelf, there's a story of passion, perseverance, and perhaps a few protein puffs along the way.

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