Career Development For Nurses - Professional Ascension

Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey in career development but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Bonnie Meadows, Nurse Career Coach of Professional Ascension, located in Belmont, NC, USA.

What's your business, and who are your customers?

Professional Ascension exists to increase the value of the nursing profession by equipping and empowering experienced nurses to have a clear direction and focus and to achieve measurable career success in healthcare. My clients will take ownership of their career paths and have professional satisfaction while growing, learning, and advancing as the leaders they want to be in the healthcare industry.

Tell us about yourself

During my 18 years in nursing & healthcare, I've been that person at the bedside or in other jobs—unfulfilled, thinking there must be more than what I'm doing right now. I've had the opportunity to navigate through several career moves, and there's a lot I learned along my journey. I want to share those tips and use my experience to boost other nurses' confidence to move forward even with unsupported leaders. I want to help them embark on new adventures in nursing and healthcare that they may not know to exist right now.

I know so many nurses who aren't satisfied with where they are in their careers. I developed this business so that they can finally get unstuck and start truly living out the career they dreamed of in nursing school. Getting them unstuck helps not only them but also helps our patients and the healthcare community at large.

What's your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?

Helping nurses get that aha moment of clarity for their careers to advance to the next step with purpose and joy, knowing they will make an impact.

What's one of the hardest things that comes with being a business owner?

Developing an awareness of what you do to help others. Nursing is an art and a science. People seek nurses for what they do. It's not been hard to explain who I am and what I do as a nurse but doing that as a career consultant for nurses is hard. Nurses first must realize they need your help. Most nurses do not realize they need the help of a career consultant because the career can be thought of as linear until they get stuck and see so many options that they get overwhelmed.

What are the top tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a business today?

  1. It's ok to narrow down/niche down. I wasn't looking to niche down at first, but now I am happy I did. It helps with messaging so much more.
  2. Every marketing strategy is not for you. I am very open to different strategies of marketing. However, I am finding that I must also match that with what is going on in my life to be consistent. Do what works for you and what you will be consistent with.
  3. Find a good business coach. I don't know where I would be had I not started with a business coaching program to push me along.

Where can people find you and your business?


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