Proven, Actionable, Simple - Prithvi Madhukar

Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey in business development but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Prithvi Madhukar, CEO of The Marketing Nomad, LLC, located in Bangalore, Karnataka, India.

What's your business, and who are your customers?

I run a marketing consultancy company, The Marketing Nomad LLC, where I help small business owners and solopreneurs confidently implement long-term marketing strategies to grow the business they love.

Tell us about yourself

My name is Prithvi Madhukar, and I've been a digital entrepreneur for the past four years. I'm also the author of Zero to Four Figures: Lessons Learned by a Broke CEO, a Podcaster (Top 100 in Marketing for India), a YouTube vlogger, an Etsy shop owner, and a Skillshare Teacher.

I'm a Marketing Strategy Consultant and the CEO of the Marketing Consultancy firm, The Marketing Nomad LLC. I have successfully worked with 70+ clients from 8 different countries. I started from scratch and built an online business that knows no borders and allows me to be a digital nomad. I also enjoy Bollywood dancing in my free time.

I really think my life story might interest you. I was working in New York at a top solar firm. My work visa didn't get processed, and I was forced to leave my full-time job, amazing colleagues, and my friends and move back to India. It was absolutely devastating, and I had to start from scratch. Instead of applying for jobs in India, I decided to risk my entire savings and invest in my dream of becoming an entrepreneur. I slowly started building my online presence and even started a global marketing consultancy firm in Delaware, USA, while I was still in India. After four years, I've managed to grow my business and my online presence. I've worked with 70+ businesses in 8 different countries, and my podcast was recently ranked Top 100 in Marketing for India. It's been a rough and tough journey, but it has taught me a lot, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

What motivates me to keep going is constantly reminding myself of the struggle it took me to get here. From defying societal norms to pursue my passion in marketing to again defying societal expectations and going the entrepreneurial route, I know the amount of courage and effort it took to build my business from scratch. That is something that I will never take for granted, and that motivates me every single day.

What's your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?

The publishing of my debut business book, Zero to Four Figures: Lessons Learned by a Broke CEO, has to be one of my biggest accomplishments as a business owner. When I started out, what frustrated me was the lack of business books talking about growing one's business from the initial stages of Zero to Four Figures. Despite having an engineering degree and an MBA, I found it challenging to navigate through the business world as a solopreneur. When I found my success, I vowed to share my journey and my lessons during the initial stages as a way to help other solopreneurs with their journey as well. The book, Zero to Four Figures encompasses 61 stories and lessons that have contributed to my entrepreneurial journey so far. It covers topics that are holistic to the growth of any solopreneur - self-love, positive mindset, growth mindset, business strategy, marketing, money mindset, relationships, and success mindset. In this book, I also share my original models, performance tools, and learning tactics to help solopreneurs start and grow the business they love. I'm very proud of this accomplishment, and the raving book reviews so far have only reaffirmed my mission to help more solopreneurs with their journey!

What's one of the hardest things that comes with being a business owner?

The constant self-doubt that we need to keep overcoming has to be one of the hardest things that come with being a business owner. Self-doubt creeps in at every single step along the way, and each time, it takes a lot of mindset shift to continue moving forward. Self-doubt is a huge part of this journey, and one of the hardest things that I've had to learn is that part of the process of being a successful solopreneur is to push through despite the self-doubt that tries to hold us back.

What are the top tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a business today?

  1. You don't need to have all your ducks in a row. If you think it and you've done enough research, it's time to take the first step. A lot of people fail to become solopreneurs because they think they need everything to be picture-perfect before they jump in. The truth is, there is no such thing as having all your ducks in a row. You've just got to take the leap and then figure things out as you go.
  2. You've got to first trust yourself. That has to be one of the biggest reasons contributing to the success of any individual. That innate ability to trust yourself. Trusting yourself to figure things out as you go or trusting yourself to find help when you need it. Either way, without trusting yourself, you will find yourself stuck at every single problem you hit along the way.
  3. Your best is going to look different every day. Remember, the days you feel like resting and taking a break are also days when you are doing your best. A lot of times, we equate a hectic day with a productive one, and especially on this entrepreneurial journey, you tend to feel guilty when you're not working. You've put so much on the line to become a solopreneur, and so the guilt of not working does start to eat you up. During those moments, you need to remember that you deserve to rest. You deserve to take a break. You deserve to keep time for yourself, people who are important to you, and other things that are important to you too. Your best is going to look different every day. Some days, it will be you shooting videos all day, some days, it might even look like you in your comfy jammies, bingeing on your favorite tv show, and that's still you being awesome!

Where can people find you and your business?


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