Becoming in Tune With Your Body - Pleasure Roots

Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Aubrey Moore, Founder of Pleasure Roots, located in Edmonds, WA, USA.

What's your business, and who are your customers?

I am the creator and founder of Pleasure Roots, LLC - a transformational sex and intimacy coaching practice. I am a certified Clinical Sexologist and Sex & Intimacy Coach. I empower women to unlock their deepest sexual desires so that they can confidently and safely communicate them to their partner(s).

Tell us about yourself

I am motivated each day by two things:

  1. The positive change that I see in those I work with - from feeling more confident about their wants/needs to realizing how their sexual identity is tied to so many powerful things in their life. It is truly fulfilling to observe and support each client on their unique path to self-acceptance, and it energizes me to continue providing for my community in this way.
  2. Inner work - an awesome byproduct of coaching others is the responsibility to continuously develop myself as a leader, healer, and coach. I find great joy and curiosity in digging into my own wants/needs and continuing to develop myself (and my practice) with a variety of coaches and experts.

What's your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?

My biggest accomplishment as a business owner so far is creating and hosting a short 1-1.5 hour signature workshop (for women) teaching them how to communicate their sexual desires. I'm only at the beginning chapter of this journey, so I know there will be more creative workshops and retreats that I will launch in the future, but so far, this has been one of my signature accomplishments.

What's one of the hardest things that come with being a business owner?

The hardest part so far for me has been staying balanced and out of being overwhelmed, staying positive and keeping the self-doubt at bay, and learning to go with the flow. I won't deny that I'm an organized Virgo who likes her plan laid out and executed well. But in entrepreneurship, the plan isn't always executed how I thought it would be. Learning how to be in flow and focus my energy on my intention/outcome, as opposed to the steps to get there, is a new challenge for me. This particular challenge is part of the reason why I decided to dive into owning my own business and is one lesson that will continue to provide growth for me tenfold.

What are the top tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a business today?

  1. Pick your niche (for now) - I felt stuck because I didn't want to be exclusive to certain groups of people, and my big heart wanted to help everyone, but in reality, picking one category of person to help first will be the best way to progress forward. It will allow you to create marketing material, programs, and copy that is specific as you grow your business. Later on, once you're more established, you can branch out to other niches.
  2. Know your strengths (your genius zone) and be in that space as much as you can. My strength is writing, so I know that part of my marketing plan is to write blogs and articles to bring people to my website/socials. I'm not a marketing genius and have never taken a liking to "advertising or marketing," but when I made the connection between something I already love and how I can USE that for marketing, it made it FUN, CREATIVE, and ENJOYABLE. This is important - create your business/lifestyle, not another job. This includes hiring and outsourcing when appropriate.
  3. Find a business coach, coaching program, or support group. Entrepreneurship can be lonely, plus it's helpful to get out of your own head every now and again. There are professionals out there who help new business owners get their businesses up and running for a living. Having a person/group holding you accountable and helping you to take actionable steps every week to achieve your goals is important and needed for many of us!

Where can people find you and your business?


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