Transformation Through Self Realization - Pat Mahan

Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey in personal development but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Pat Mahan, Founder of Like Attracts Like Evolution, located in New York, NY, USA.

What's your business, and who are your customers?

Like Attracts Like Evolution is a Mentorship platform that works with people on their Self Realization/Awakening journey. The content and programs are designed to help people find perspective on the stories of their past, access the truth of who they are in the moment they are in, and begin to more deliberately create life from the power within rather than believing that all things outside of them have power over who they are, or who they can become.

Clients include anyone struggling with loss, addiction, repetitive patterns or toxic behaviors, letting go of the past, or allowing aspects of the unconscious conditioning to be uncovered and released. The energy of these events and stories manifests itself in a multitude of ways that are sometimes evident in our conscious interaction with them. Sometimes they sit just underneath the surface of our awareness and unconsciously begin to ruin or sabotage many or all aspects of a person's life.

Tell us about yourself

Here's a bit about my personal journey and how Like Attracts Like Evolution came to be. I always felt called to the deeper questions inside of this life, why we do what we do, why certain things happen to certain people, what ability or power we have to alter the course of our lives etc... After losing my mother at a young age, I spent most of my early life searching for something in the world that would lead me to some level of joy or purpose. I chased after approval from others, money, love, and achievements.

Anything that I thought would help me feel better or like I belonged in the world. This endless search to find and capture the feeling of worthiness from outside of myself led me down a rabbit hole that ended in a full collapse of the life I had created. I lost all of the money I had ever earned, went through a divorce, foreclosed on my houses, and struggled with an 8-year painkiller addiction. I lost everything and had finally had enough. From this place, I realized that the answer I had been searching for wasn't outside of me, and I began a new search for answers within myself. After over a decade of studying the greatest teachings inside of religion, philosophy, spirituality, and Universal Laws, a new path and process were created by understanding and allowing the connection to my inner guidance and heart. I now understand that this is a connection I believe we all have access to.

I created Like Attracts Like Evolution as a platform to help allow people to connect to that same source of love and creation from within that allowed me to rebuild and change my life in all of the best possible ways. It is my passion and self-defined purpose to share this message with all humans who are ready and willing to hear it. And now, I am so grateful that I can work with amazing people from all over the world on their journey to realize the power they possess from within to make any changes they feel are important to them!

Knowing that some of the most powerful transformations I have seen come from the humans who have experienced what most would call the "worst" of what life has to offer inspires me every day to continue to share these teachings and this message with all who are ready to hear it.

What's your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?

I would say that the greatest accomplishment of Like Attracts Evolution is, and will always be the testimonials and feedback that are received consistently from anyone who has listened to and applied the lessons and methods in their own lives. For me, nothing else really could come close to the feeling that I get when the very things that helped me make sense of the chaos in my life were able to help another person out of their own version of that experience. :)

What's one of the hardest things that comes with being a business owner?

I would say that one of the most challenging things for me on this journey was understanding and managing the expectation of how "quickly" I wanted the results from the work I was doing to start Like Attracts Like Evolution. It started as a podcast platform and evolved into a mentorship platform relatively quickly. But as for the "business" end of it working, I saw that my initial plan for how this would affect the most people most positively while earning an income was very different from what unfolded along the way. I had to realize that the need for patience, flexibility, and trust would be absolutely the most important part of allowing the space where I could endure all of the times when I felt like stopping because it "wasn't working." The doubting mind can sometimes be the only thing that prevents someone from achieving what they set out to accomplish. I had to take my own medicine many times during this process, lol. And that is what made all of the difference. Keep going :)

What are the top tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a business today?

If I could humbly offer anyone who is reading this any suggestions to consider when starting a business, It would be these:

  1. Be as sure of your WHY as you could ever be... I have started and run 2 businesses to date, and the key for me was how passionate I am about what I chose to do. Without the passion and a solid "WHY "... I would have quit many times along the way as some of the challenges seemed to be greater than what I would have traditionally said I could or would want to do in order to continue. It was my powerful WHY from within that helped me through and also helped me see that the challenge was absolutely necessary. They all contained something I needed to either learn or embody to actually be the person who could do what I set out to do.
  2. Be open-minded and patient. Sometimes we have to understand the balance between setting out on a path that we plan out and control and when it is time to step back, take a deep breath, and let guidance from a higher aspect of your being flow to you when the time is right. If I had followed the path I put in place when I started, there is NO way it would have worked. I didn't have enough information or experience to create a path that would be perfect from A to Z. I learned those parts of the puzzle along the way, and now what I do is lightyears better than I could have initially imagined. The first part is to put a plan in place and START... But after that, be open-minded and intelligent, and allow the path of least resistance to flow to you as you are ready to receive it. All will work out if your WHY is strong enough!
  3. The third and last tip I would offer may be kind of unconventional advice. But it is what truly helped me transcend much of the early stages of building this business. While there are a tremendous amount of resources out in the world and people who can offer excellent business advice and guidance. I have found that when I really hit a roadblock or found myself stuck in certain processes building this business, I had to take a step back and dive within myself. If my gut told me something was "off,"... I had to trust it. If the advice I was getting wasn't aligning with who I believe I am or what I want this business to be, don't take it (even if it looks like it will give you some awesome results). If it doesn't feel good, don't do it. And if you are stuck and don't have any answers as to what to do next. Go within. Find a quiet place and trust that you actually have WAY more knowledge and wisdom within yourself than you may be giving yourself credit for. Trust, and listen to what your heart is telling you, and you will move through this process with confidence, grace, and purpose.

Where can people find you and your business?


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