Sip a Cup of History - Oliver Pluff & Company

Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey in food and beverage but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Darren Hartford, owner of Oliver Pluff & Company, located in Charleston, SC, USA.

What's your business, and who are your customers?

Oliver Pluff & Company is a fine purveyor of teas, toddies, and coffees. We started by asking the questions, "What tea was thrown in the harbor during the Boston Tea Party, and what did they drink after they finished?" And then, we went to find and recreate the blends that tell the stories of these historic American beverages. We offer our products via our website and via wholesale to National Parks, historic sites, gift box companies, and gourmet markets hand-packaged in signature tins. We connect people to the early American experience and to great cups of tea! So share a cup of history with Oliver Pluff! Oliver Pluff & Company is a Veteran Owned Small Business.

Tell us about yourself

I spent 28 years as a Pilot in the Air Force before buying Oliver Pluff & Co. I was looking for a new challenge and to learn. I have enjoyed learning and sharing the history of tea and coffee and their role in US history.

What's your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?

Seeing customers enjoy new products as much as the team at Oliver Pluff does. Helping team members grow into new roles and thrive as the business grows.

What's one of the hardest things that come with being a business owner?

There is a certain amount of loneliness in being a business owner without a partner. Even though your team is there and can help you to make some decisions, at some point, everyone is going to look to you because you are the only one who can make the call. Making those big decisions, like-- investing in growth during the pandemic, taking a risk on new revenue channels deciding to cut long-term employees-- there are decisions that the small business owner can only make. While you can talk about it, no one else can share that specific experience. Yes, you can.

What are the top tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a business today?

  1. Look at buying a business vs. starting your own. You have a built-in customer base, and some of the processes and basics have already been worked out. It can give you a chance to learn the basics of business as you determine what new avenues of growth you are going to pursue.
  2. There are many resources out there to help small businesses that don't cost a lot or any money. They can help you learn to offer mentors access to capital to show you how to let you minimize early mistakes.
  3. You are going to make mistakes. Some ideas are not going to work, or the timing will not be right. As the business owner, you just need to recover, minimize the financial impact as best you can, learn from the mistake, and keep trying.

Is there anything else you'd like to share?

Be willing to ask for help. A small business can become all-consuming if you let it. It is okay to say no. Stay true to your personal ethics and to your brand's identity.

Where can people find you and your business?


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