Impactful and High Quality Automation and Reporting - OBIS

Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Jacqueline DeStefano-Tangorra, Founder and CEO of Omni Business Intelligence Solutions (OBIS), located in Nesconset, New York, USA.

What's your business, and who are your customers?

Omni BI Solutions ("OBIS") is a consulting firm committed to telling a business's data-driven story. By stitching together disparate data sources, we look to craft visualizations that report and uncover novel insights for companies, allowing them to make astute business decisions. Our customers are typically B2B that range across 25+ industries, anywhere from $5M to $180b in top-line revenue. We work with teams, and individuals within organizations, anywhere from the C-Suite to Department Directors, to Managers/Seniors, and Staff. The great thing about what we do as a consulting business is that there are needs for our services in just about every company, mostly because every company has data, data houses information, and having access to the right information influences key business decisions that impact sales, costs, and profit margins.

Tell us about yourself

My name is Jacqueline Ann DeStefano-Tangorra, and I am the CEO and Founder of Omni Business Intelligence Solutions ("OBIS"). One of the parts I love about running my business is being able to work with my clients in creative and innovative ways on a frequent basis. I love the challenge associated with extracting key insights that live within their data and piecing it together to tell a poetic and visual story only their business can tell. I am always searching for ways to bring creativity to my clients by designing unique business intelligence solutions tailored to their specific reporting needs. In telling compelling and memorable stories with data, I craft novel visualizations bringing together disparate data sources. Truly, I love what I do, as I am challenged in many ways to constantly grow in order to give my clients the best service possible. My work at OBIS encourages me daily to continue growing as a consultant and professional, as well as a creative, and I enjoy sharing what I learn in the process with those around me.

What's your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?

In just two months, I have launched a business off the ground with all the necessary foundational requirements to scale an organization that is legitimate, viable, transparent, and organized in its focus and mission, all while managing and growing an active sales pipeline. And I am proud to have found the right partners to collaborate with on this journey.

What's one of the hardest things that comes with being a business owner?

Not letting a slower week or month deter oneself from pursuing business goals and overall mission. It is critical to remember that there are always opportunities to grow, even when things seem slow. Being able to pull yourself out of a mental state and reaffirm your position, purpose, and ability to succeed as an entrepreneur is critical to success.

What are the top tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a business today?

  1. Be particular about your goals, mission, what services your company will offer, and who your company will serve. Write them down, and get them into a company profile deck, along with a white paper of all company highlights and/or case studies if available.
  2. The beginning will cost you money, but it's well spent. Invest in the right expenses, such as a bookkeeper, invoicing/collections system, company online stationery, and branding, a lawyer, a CPA, and contracts specified to your company's terms (SOW, Independent Contractor Agreements, etc.).
  3. Be extremely authentic when interacting with your clients. Most of them will know you are just starting out, but they will want to work with you more and more, the more you are yourself, and give them the absolute best parts of you that you can offer in your service(s). Be transparent about cost, timing, and budget - know your worth, but also recognize there are other decisions that contain value that can impact the growth of your business, outside of money. Do not ignore those opportunities and treat them with the same respect.

Where can people find you and your business?


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