Better for The Planet, Better for you - nudemarkt

Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey in food and beverage but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Margaret Taylor, founder of nudemarkt, located in Calgary, AB, Canada.

What's your business, and who are your customers?

nudemarkt is a local Albertan company that specializes in producing a line of delicious Natural Peanut Butters. It's our goal to offer a healthy option that supports your lifestyle and has a positive impact on the environment. We achieve this by filling every reusable glass jar with Premium American, dry roasted peanuts.

Free from palm oil or added sugar, our simple and purposeful ingredients make it possible for you to make sustainable and healthy choices that you can feel good about.

Tell us about yourself

Hello! I am Margaret Taylor, founder of nudemarkt Natural Peanut Butter. I love living near the mountains, I love my city, YYC, and I love making a difference in people's lives through my business. I started nudemarkt because, as a consumer, I was seeking healthy options that supported my family's lifestyle and also had a positive impact on the environment. As we strive to make sustainable choices in our home, we have moved towards a lower impact diet and therefore needed to find other high protein alternatives that were affordable, versatile, and obviously, delicious.

What's your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?

Natural peanut butter lovers have bought over 21,000 reusable glass jars filled with nudemarket Natural Peanut Butter, an alternative to plastic jars that are not infinitely reusable and often end up in our landfills or breakdown and enter our water systems.

nudemarkt Natural Peanut Butter is palm oil-free. Did you know that the conversion of tropical forests to palm oil plantations is a leading cause of deforestation and has a devastating impact on a huge number of plant and animal species?

nudemarkt Natural Peanut Butter is made with Certified Premium Quality American peanuts. Unlike other leading brands that source their peanuts from other countries such as China and South America, you can rest assured that the farming practices of our suppliers meet the highest standards of health, safety, and human rights.

At nudemarkt, our procurement, manufacturing, and distribution processes are streamlined to reduce waste. We are constantly working to improve our environmental impact. Our supply and distribution model is designed to reduce the exchange of hands in order to minimize the cost as well as the carbon footprint associated with shipping. We are expanding into more and more retailers across North America, so you can easily skip the ship and be a part of growing our local economy!

What's one of the hardest things that come with being a business owner?

BALANCE! Being a Mother of 3 children and running my own business is a constant balancing act. Making sure to nurture all of the aspects of my life on this journey comes easy some days and harder other days.

What are the top tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a business today?

  1. You have to ask yourself these questions: Will this business fit in my life, or will my life have to fit in this business? Do the values of this business align with my values as a person?
  2. You are your own worst critic, be kind to yourself. Entrepreneurs tend to work very hard and forget to reflect on their achievements and celebrate them. They also tend to compare themselves and critique themselves based on external elements that they can't control. Be your own level of success.
  3. Ask yourself regularly: Am I achieving what I set out to do? Am I enhancing my life and the lives of those around me by continuing on this path? These questions will help you stay on track and remember why you started in the first place.

Is there anything else you'd like to share?

There are so many reasons we love peanuts, but just to name a few:
🥜 Peanuts have 20% more protein than almonds!
🥜 Peanuts have the lowest water footprint of 4.7 gal/oz compared to almonds at 80.4gal/oz
🥜 Peanuts are considered a zero-waste nut! Everything their crop grows is used in production. Vines can be used for feed or soil nourishment!
🥜 Peanuts can help to lower cholesterol and are an excellent source of magnesium, folate, and vitamin E.

Where can people find you and your business?


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