Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey in personal development but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Nadene Joy, founder, and CEO of Nadene Joy Consulting Inc., located in Regina, SK, Canada.

What's your business, and who are your customers?

Nadene Joy is the CEO of Nadene Joy Consulting Inc., which is a multiple award-winning consulting organization that has a profound purpose, mission, and laser-focused vision to fully support top leaders achieve the goals of their wildest dreams in business and in life. We are all leaders as we all have the ability to positively impact lives each and every day, which is desperately needed now more than ever before in history.

Leaders have never felt more overwhelmed, more alone, and isolated than they are today with the lack of 1:1 support they do now. Mental health issues are at an all-time high. Our goal is to help and support you every step of the way on your journey professionally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually as all areas of our lives are connected. If one area becomes neglected or out of balance, it essentially affects all over areas simultaneously.

When we focus on the health of the entire well-being of the individual mind, body, heart, and soul, there's nothing you cannot achieve in life. Many people go to work every day feeling unfulfilled and as if they have no purpose or meaning; they have lost all hope. We assist and guide leaders to take back control with compassion and grace in their lives and business, focusing on top priorities, purpose, and fulfillment through service and giving back to the organization and/or local or greater international community as a whole. It all starts with you first, as you have been given the distinct gift and natural talent of authentically connecting with and leading others and the profound ability to change forever and save lives. There is nothing more fulfilling in life than this through the diligent service and humility of serving others. When we give to others, we also give to ourselves, a win-win for all! It is through learning to connect with the heart and no longer be afraid or fear the unknown or judgments of others but rather learning how to move towards having the courage through faith to speak authentically and show up to be real and vulnerable with all you meet. This is where lasting peace and change begin, within our hearts first, then is spread like wildfire to the rest of the world!

We've all heard the saying, "Be the change you wish to see in the world." Mahatma Gandhi is often credited with saying this. But little do people know, Gandhi actually didn't say this at all. Gandhi said, "We but mirror the world. All the tendencies present in the outer world are to be found in the world of our body." All people we come across in life and business are purely reflections of our own goodness and light or deeper shadows that need to be gently let go of and healed. For all, in order for us to step into our full potential free from anchors from our past, we must be willing to do the deep work within ourselves first.

We are all born with infinite potential, incredible gifts, and unique talents; it is up to you to decide today to no longer live with regrets and be all you can be in this lifetime. One of the most often statements heard on one's deathbed at the end of their lives is that they did not live their life to their fullest potential and live their dreams instead, they live their lives and dreams for what others expected of them and not what truly set their heart and soul on fire.

"The graveyard is the richest place on earth because it is here that you will find all the hopes and dreams that were never fulfilled, the books that were never written, the songs that were never sung, the inventions that were never shared, the cures that were never discovered, all because someone was too afraid to take that first step, keep with the problem, or determined to carry out their dream."
-Les Brown

Tell us about yourself

At four years old, Nadene Joy knew she had a big purpose and dream to fulfill here on earth, which simply involved helping bring greater purpose, joy, love, faith and hope to all she encountered. She credits her deep roots to her 106-year-old great-grandfather, with who she had the opportunity and pristine pleasure of spending much time up until she was five years old when he peacefully passed on. He showed her the importance of giving back, not just by telling her but, more importantly, by showing and guiding the way. He would write many letters to many people suffering from across the globe he had never met, including those in prison, to bring them greater hope, faith, and unconditional love.

Nadene Joy worked many years as a professional petroleum geologist executive and, after having her first child, decided to follow her God-given purpose to help transform lives and serve others through helping assist in breaking the multigenerational patterns and chains in families by first becoming a peaceful parenting coach and later expanding into life, business, branding, marketing and evolving into a global leadership coach, top advisor, and trainer.

Interestingly enough, yet not surprising, Nadene is most motivated by helping authentically support others with overflowing love, acceptance, and grace going from the dark to the light and witnessing firsthand the profound transformation that takes place every step of the way. She diligently states with a smile on her face that there is no greater gift on earth than this.

What's your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?

The sheer fact that she has been given the courage to face her greatest fears through faith to shine her light brightly and to continuously and boldly step and push herself out of her comfort zones far beyond where she thought was humanly possible for her life. By doing this, it has enabled her to model firsthand to show the way for others to follow and be their greatest mirror and reflection to others that greatness also lies inside themselves. We are all in this life and this journey together as one. There's no need for competition as there is always an infinite abundant supply available for everyone. Growing up, Nadene was also extremely shy and completely terrified of public speaking. She never dreamed she would have the opportunity to work with and speak on global stages with some of the most prolific leaders of our time, including being personally mentored by the incredible Les Brown, the #1 motivational speaker in the world! She learned that she could get through this fear; anything is possible, and if she can do this, so can you, and so much more is awaiting you when you stop long enough to notice.

Nadene Joy is also recognized globally as the "Changemaker" and as the award recipient of The TISGS Award of Business Excellence in Social Impact, Woman of Substance Award from The St. Mother Teresa University, Top 40 Global CEO Award by Excellence Speaks, is an Ambassador of Human Rights and Peace, Founder of the Global Movement of Hope (, and is the prestigious woman delegate of The 2022 Woman of Heart Award (WOHA).

What's one of the hardest things that come with being a business owner?

One of the hardest things about being a business owner is prioritizing time and delegation of duties. We only have so much time in the day, and we must learn to master how to most effectively use our time wisely and focus on the most urgent tasks first. Nadene utilizes a system of focusing on her top three purposes for each and every day, which has proven time and time again to be monumental in her success and in that of many other leaders globally she has personally consulted with. As a business owner, there will always be an endless list of things that need to get done. As a leader, it is important to delegate duties that are not your top strengths and geniuses to the rest of your team or hire a team when possible to take care of the ever-demanding workload. These simple tips alone will become part of the foundational success to build upon moving forward in constructing the life (and business) of your dreams.

Other challenges you will undoubtedly face as a business owner at some point or another are owning the skill of staying focused, managing professional relationships, building a successful, productive, cohesive team, living and working in an uncertain world, learning the art of saying no, being lonely at the top, being fearful of making the wrong mistakes, self-doubt and old limiting beliefs, the balancing and then eventual merging of family and work life, and how to effectively deal with changing habits and perspectives including being a part of and keeping up in a rapidly changing technologically centered world.

Lastly, the realization that when you are running your own business, you'll never really be your own boss as every client is your boss. Every client, every point of interaction and connection from the people that you're serving, partnering with, or building things for – they're your focus. When your business becomes about empowering others, positively changing lives, bringing unprecedented value and personal care and connection into each interaction, this is where true success lies and always will remain as we grow, evolve, and scale our businesses locally and internationally. People first always wins.

What are the top tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a business today?

  1. Fail Forward. Don't be afraid of failure and embrace all experiences open-heartedly. There's no such thing as good or bad in every situation; you will learn something and grow your character into becoming the best leader you can be.
  2. Adopt a Growth Mindset. Focus on developing your strengths and abilities as a leader. Think positive and let go of any outdated, limiting beliefs, perceptions, experiences, and people from your past that no longer serve you. Have an anything is possible attitude and adopt self-care, meditation/prayer, and a healthy lifestyle into your daily regime. The most successful people on the planet have a growth mindset and a successful, consistent morning routine.
  3. Surround Yourself With Great People who are Above You. Instead of Competing with others, learn to Collaborate with them to form win-win relationships whenever possible. The people in your inner circle are critical to your growth and the success of your business. Never underestimate the power of this alone. Know you are worthy of greatness, and never forget that others you admire most are just a true reflection of the qualities that lie within you. Believe in yourself and know you are never alone!

Is there anything else you'd like to share?

"Hope without Action is like Fire without Fuel"
-Nadene Joy

My bio:

Ms. Nadene Joy is a Global Royal Advisor, Leadership Strategist, Communications expert, Business Accelerator Coach, former petroleum exploration geologist executive, CEO of Nadene Joy Consulting Inc., Founder of The Global Movement of Hope, Chair of The Lead 2 Impact Summit, Member of The International Society of Female Professionals and a CEC Global Ambassador. She is recognized internationally as a top sought after woman in leadership, known as the "Changemaker," who has been featured on hundreds of global media outlets including USA TODAY, FOX, CBC, and The Globe and Mail and has worked with thousands of clients internationally and advised personally with some of the most prolific leaders of our time. Nadene Joy is also the recipient of The TISGS Award of Business Excellence In Social Impact, the Woman of Substance Award from The St. Mother Theresa University, is the prestigious recipient of The Top 40 Global CEO of The Year Award, Ambassador for Human Rights, and Peace and is one of a very select few women globally who was distinctively honoured to receive the 2022 Woman of Heart Award (WOHA).

Nadene is an incredible leader and a Spiritual CEO who is passionate about serving all others. She is an impactful authentic leader, humanitarian, and friend who makes a distinguished positive difference and brings hope, joy, peace, purpose, unity, and love to our world to all she encounters.

Global Movement of Hope / Love is.. / Uncover Your Purpose

Where can people find you and your business?


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