Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey in wellness but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Jamie Phillips, COO of Modern Gravity Float Studio, located in Edmonton, AB, Canada.

What's your business, and who are your customers?

We're in the business of stress management, and since 2014, we've used Float Tanks to help people relax and decrease the amount of stress in their lives.

A float tank is like a large bathtub, and inside we mix water with nearly 500 kg of Epsom salt, causing your body to float like a cork in the ocean. The float tank lives inside our float room, which is sound and lightproof. Finally, the water is heated to a "skin-neutral temperature," which is 34.4 degrees Celsius. All these processes remove input to the five senses.

  • No Touch because the water is neutral skin temperature.
  • No Sight because the float room is pitch black. (Lights are optional)
  • No Sound because our float rooms are soundproof, and the tank sits on isolation mounts.
  • No Smell; we use Hydrogen Peroxide to sanitize the water instead of chlorine or bromine.
  • No Taste, cause you ain't drinkin' the water. (Unless it's by accident 🙈)

Our customers range in age from young as 12 years old to folks in their 70's. But on average, we mostly see working professionals aged 25-44 who have high-stress jobs and need to take a break from the world every so often.

Tell us about yourself

I'm Jamie Phillips; I often go by JP to be tricky. I helped co-found Modern Gravity with my business partner Matthew Smith. My background is working in the trades as a Red Seal Millwright (Industrial Mechanic), which I really didn't enjoy too much... Though I loved the knowledge, skills, education, and one place I worked (shoutout to Canadian Dewatering), I knew since starting that it wouldn't be something I wanted to do long term.

While looking for different opportunities to exit the trades, my friend and also roommate at the time (Matt) had the idea to open a floating studio. I took it as the opportunity I was looking for.

I'm motivated to keep working on the business for a few reasons.

  • Seeing the effect floating has on our customers from before to after is pretty profound. It's rewarding to know that the service is helping people with various issues in their lives.
  • It's an education I couldn't have received without doing it. I mainly learn with hands-on experience. It may take me some time, but I'll usually get there in some form or fashion.
  • It provides a lifestyle I hadn't thought possible. Owning the business allows me to get back time, for the most part... Sure there is time lost to unforeseen issues that randomly pop up, but generally, when things are running smoothly, I have more freedom than before. It's a big motivator, especially having just started a young family.

What's your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?

Realizing that the energy I put into starting the business allowed me to educate myself alongside taking back more control of my own time. I know it's like I'm on repeat, but I genuinely realize that time is one of the most valuable resources here on earth. It's all sinking in now, like strawberry sauce on angel food cake.

What's one of the hardest things that comes with being a business owner?

Recognition that the energy and time you put into something may not work out as expected. I've sacrificed a lot since opening this business, which is time I can't get back. Plenty of small business owners struggle or may end up worse off financially, emotionally, and mentally after taking on the challenge of "trying to do it yourself." Even though I own a facility primarily offering stress management services, it's still stressful sometimes. I'm lucky I can float for free.

What are the top tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a business today?

Spend enough time researching WHAT you want to do or the problem you want to fix. Then if looks good, jump in. It's incredible to see how advancements in technology are changing the world. There are many opportunities with a low cost to start (which is way cheaper than building a float center from the ground up), and access to free online information opens many possibilities for people. Emerging technologies such as cryptocurrencies, artificial intelligence like ChatGPT, advancements in energy storage, gene editing, freaking nuclear fusion?!, we can LAND rockets, the list only goes on... The world is evolving at what feels like an exponential rate, and it feels like Star Trek will be a reality.

TL:DR - 3 Tips

  1. Be open-minded to new experiences.
  2. Always keep learning.
  3. Take action on your ideas. And watch Star Trek (I'm not a hardcore or a Trekkie or anything, but it just feels like the show was WAY ahead of its time...)

Where can people find you and your business?


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