Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey in personal and business development but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Jackie Ghedine, Co-Founder of Modern Gen X Woman, located in North Bellmore. NY, USA.

What's your business, and who are your customers?

Modern Gen X Woman is an organization focused on advancing women 40+. We do this through business and career coaching for Gen X women who want to make an impact, leave their mark, and increase their success and wealth. Now is the time for our generation to be seen, heard, and acknowledged. We are the catalysts in this process.

Tell us about yourself

I had a tremendous job in publishing and was working my way up to be a publisher of a major media brand. The closer I got to my original goal of becoming a publisher, the more I realized the goal I had set for myself wasn't what I wanted anymore. I was 40, and the thought of doing what I was doing for the next 20 years didn't sit well. I decided to take the leap and retire without a net or an idea of what to do next. I gave myself space for me to dig deep into who I was and also reflect on what I missed most not being in corporate America. I realized I missed maximizing individuals and building businesses, so I considered going back to school for psychology, and during the investigation process, I learned about coaching — I was intrigued, and I found a school specialized in disciplines like neuroscience and positive psychology.

I met my now business partner, Mimi Bishop, over an innocent cup of coffee. Within 20 minutes, an idea was born. Women were experiencing the same thing as we both did mid-career, and we knew we wanted to develop tools and strategies specifically for Generation X women, you know, the forgotten generation, so they can be reminded how to use their voice. Every day, we make an impact. Women over 40 are finally feeling seen and heard, and we know the more women we can influence, the closer we can get to our mission to make Generation X the wealthiest female generation.

What's your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?

I believe my biggest accomplishment as a business owner was when we decided to rebrand and revamp the entire business from head to toe. We had built equity in our first company, but we knew growth would only come by reimagining the business, the branding, and the solutions. It was scary, but in order to succeed, you need to take risks and be willing to do the hard things.

What's one of the hardest things that comes with being a business owner?

As an entrepreneur, there are always a bunch of items that need to get done all the time. The hardest thing is being disciplined in how I spend my day and what I focus on, and ruthlessly prioritizing all the aspects of the business, with an eye toward client-getting activities to ensure the health of the business. I even have to be disciplined in how I switch from worker bee to CEO. If I don't spend the right amount of time as each of those people, something in the business will fall.

What are the top tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a business today?

  1. Pinpoint exactly what you do and who you do it for and know, with convicted confidence, what you can deliver (the solution, the transformation). Then communicate with precision. Avoid jargon and marketing speak. Instead, find and use the language of your customers.
  2. Take action. Every action, even a misstep, is learning. Take action, evaluate the action, move the action forward again, or pivot the action. You are making the best decision with the information you have. The only way to learn is to actually do. Don't be afraid of doing it wrong because you will. This is all new, and that is part of the excitement of being a business owner, learning, growing, and challenging yourself in new ways.
  3. Find your people. When you are building a business, it can feel lonely and often overwhelming. Even if you are a solopreneur, you don't have to do this alone. There are a lot of ways to get support, from networking groups to mentors or even a coach. Surround yourself with other successful entrepreneurs and share ideas and insights. There is enough business for everyone.

Where can people find you and your business?


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