Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey in health and wellness but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Beth Adas, Owner of Mindful Movements Pilates & Yoga, located in Glen Ellyn, IL, USA.

What's your business, and who are your customers?

Mindful Movements is a boutique pilates, yoga, and wellness studio located in Glen Ellyn, IL. Experienced instructors offer a variety of classes for all levels, including – yoga (aerial, mat & pre/post natal), pilates (mat & reformer), and TRX. Trained practitioners provide a variety of healing services, including Massage, Thai Body Work, Reiki, and Ayurvedic Healing. In addition to our classes, we also offer special events and workshops and host private events at our studio. At Mindful Movements, our mission is to create an environment for clients to find balance and strength within their minds, body, and spirit while fostering a supportive and welcoming community.

Tell us about yourself

It has been a long-time dream for both myself and my family to own a small independent business in our community. Various ideas have been discussed over the years in our home, but everything had one common theme – building community – creating a space that people could depend on – a place where they could gather to talk, laugh, and grow. For many years, Mindful Movements has been providing this kind of community for myself and for so many others. It has been almost a year since I assumed ownership of the studio. We have been a part of this community for over nine years, and I can't wait to see what is ahead for our community as we continue to bring this beautiful studio into many more people's lives!

My yoga journey began over thirteen years ago when I signed up for a prenatal class. I attended classes sporadically after my daughter was born to help me manage the stress of being a new mother. Over the years, yoga slowly became an integral part of my life. After struggling for years with chronic pain and mysterious health issues, I was diagnosed in 2019 with an autoimmune disease. I had to learn how to listen to my body, put my ego aside, and stop pushing through the pain and fatigue. My health struggles are what inspired me to pursue my yoga teaching certification.

I received my 200-hour yoga teacher training certification through Yoga North International SomaYoga Institute. My program focused on classic asana, traditional therapeutic yoga, and the neuromuscular reeducation of somatics. I believe that yoga can benefit everyone no matter what kind of physical challenges they face. Pilates has played a role in my life prior to even being introduced to yoga, and I am amazed at the quality of teachers in our studio. Whether it is a reformer or mat class, I know our clients will be challenged and supported in each class. I spend my days managing the studio, teaching yoga, and juggling all that comes as a mother, wife, and homeowner. I am most at peace by the water and hope one day to return to living near the ocean.

What's your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?

Honestly, my biggest one is just buying an existing studio! Allowing the studio to continue to exist has been an accomplishment in itself - teachers to still have a place to teach, and our community to still has a place to practice. It has been almost a year since I took over the studio. I am so thrilled to see so many new faces coming through the day and hearing how much of a difference this place in making in people's lives. They have found a community and a place to set aside their everyday stressors and just take care of themselves.

I am also so thrilled to see the growth that has happened with our prenatal and postnatal programs. I have a wonderful instructor that leads this class, and she works hard to create a community for these women to support each other during this chapter of their lives. She and I have partnered together to help grow this program, and I love to see the impact it is having on these women. These classes hold a special place in my heart, as prenatal was my first yoga class. I met women in that class that I am still in touch with 14 years later!

What's one of the hardest things that comes with being a business owner?

It is a 24-7 job, and really hard to get a break from it. I am the sole owner and very involved in the day-to-day operations. It is hard to have boundaries in place and hard to find that balance between personal and work life. There is always something to be doing for the studio, and the emails and texts come in at all hours of the day and night. My "to-do" list is never-ending!

What are the top tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a business today?

  1. Hire someone who you really trust and who can work right alongside you and not be afraid to get their hands dirty. Someone who can take over so you can go on vacation and really get a break from things!
  2. If you own a studio that offers yoga, pilates, or other fitness classes, find a way to bring additional revenue outside of your daily class schedule. Partner will local businesses, rent out your space during off-peak hours, host special events, etc. Find a revenue source that will support you on the weeks that classes are slow!
  3. Network in your community, especially within your industry - you never know what opportunities will come to you because of these connections. Support other small businesses, and they will support you!

Where can people find you and your business?


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