Relax, Refresh, Renew - Michelle Davenport

Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey in wellness but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Michelle Davenport, Owner of The Woodhouse Day Spa-Streets at Southglenn, located in Centennial, CO, USA.

What's your business, and who are your customers?

My husband and I own two full-service day spas. The Woodhouse Spa-Streets at Southglenn and The Woodhouse Spa-Boulder. Both spas offer body treatments, massage services, facials, and waxing services. The Southglenn location also offers nail services, and our Boulder location offers Halotherapy (a salt cave). Every guest is offered a complimentary glass of wine or hot tea when they arrive and have the option to de-stress in one of our relaxation rooms in a soft plush robe and reflexology sandals. We also have a beautiful retail boutique at each location that offers top-of-the-line skincare products as well as a large variety of products and gifts to prolong the relaxation experience at home.

Tell us about yourself

I like to say my background is the "jack of all trades" as I have dabbled in quite a few industries since graduating college :) I graduated college with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Graphic Design. I then worked in the hospitality industry in Chicago for a big part of my twenties, then moved to Colorado and started a landscaping company while teaching yoga on the side. My husband was initially the one who gained interest in Woodhouse, and we flew out to Texas together to check it out, and we were hooked! We are now approaching our eighth year in business at our Centennial location and over two years at our Boulder location. The Woodhouse experience is like no other, and seeing our guests leave with a smile on their faces makes each day worth it.

What's your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?

The teams we have built at each location is our biggest doubt. We have created a culture, and some of our employees have been with us since day #1 back in May of 2015. The fact that we have gotten to a place to have a Regional Manager that overlooks both spas, we offer health insurance, 401k, competitive bonus structures, etc., is a level that I never thought we would reach. I learn something from every employee we hire, and we are all on the same one is better than anyone else. We all play an important part in this business, and having people with good character work for us makes all the difference. We feel very lucky and hope our team knows how much we appreciate what they do!

What's one of the hardest things that comes with being a business owner?

Haha...just one? ;) I would say the little voice in the back of my head that thinks there is always something to worry about...because there always is! Being a business owner isn't easy. When the day ends and the spas close, our staff can go home and not worry/think about work...while my husband and I are always working on something behind the scenes. Whether it's financial, fixing something, or putting a new system into place...there is always something to do. There are pros and cons to being a business owner, and my biggest challenge is not letting the anxiety take over and trusting my management teams...they truly handle tough situations better than I ever did.

Do you have daily rituals for work / wellness / fitness / mindfulness? If yes can you please explain your rituals so we can include them as well?

The first thing I do when I wake up is take my supplements and put a pinch of Celtic salt under my tongue (I learned the salt trick from a Woodhouse colleague) while making my cup of coffee. While I enjoy my coffee (which is a ritual in itself!), I enter my to-do list for that day into my reminders on my phone. I even enter small tasks like "meditate" as I LOVE to check items off my to-do list...LOVE. After my coffee and I wake up, I usually head to my meditation room for 10-15 minutes and use the Insight app for a guided meditation. After that, I get my workout in. My workouts consist of running, hot yoga, or pilates. If I don't get my workout done in the won't happen for me. After that, I shower, and that is where I add in my ayurvedic practice (neti pot, oil pulling, dry brushing, etc). This helps me feel reset, refreshed, and ready to take on the day! I ALWAYS enjoy the chance to get some fresh air and sunshine (even in the winter!), so if I can squeeze a dog walk in at some point in the day, I consider my day a successful day!

What are the top tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a business today?

  1. Start off by physically running your business. You need to know what to do in case you have turnover and you need to jump back in. Once you get your systems in place and hire people with good character that you can trust, you can start to step back and have more flexibility.
  2. Everything starts from the lead by example. Plunge the toilet, take out the trash, engage with your team, and learn about their life, because if the team sees you do it...they will do it.
  3. Hard work will pay off. The hard days are REALLY hard, but the good days are REALLY good. Once your business takes off, you will find you have a flexible schedule and can focus back on yourself, your well-being, and your business. It's not easy, and no business is turn-key...but put in the hard work in the beginning, and things will fall into place!

Where can people find you and your business?

Instagram (Southglenn):
Instagram (Boulder):

If you like what you've read here and have your own story as a solo or small business entrepreneur that you'd like to share, then please answer these interview questions. We'd love to feature your journey on these pages.

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