Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey in personal development but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Meryl Arnett, Host of The Mindful Minute Podcast, located in Atlanta, GA, USA.

What's your business, and who are your customers?

I am a mama, meditation teacher, and the creator of The Mindful Minute podcast. My passion is introducing mindfulness in ways that are accessible and enjoyable to all of us. I have been teaching corporate, private & group meditation classes since 2010, working with thousands of students to fine-tune what really works for a daily, sustainable meditation practice.

Tell us about yourself

I started out as a yoga teacher, and early on, I realized that the whole point of yoga is to prepare your body for meditation, and yet, I wasn't learning or practicing meditation. So, I signed up for a 5-day meditation training, and I left feeling more confused than when I started! I set out to truly understand what meditation is and how to do it. I tried countless teachers, two different Buddhist monasteries, and several retreats... As the practice started to fall into place for me and make a true difference in my life, I started incorporating meditation into my yoga classes. Ultimately, I shifted to teaching meditation full-time.

I delight in combining the magical and the mundane - using nature, art, literature, and dream interpretation alongside the endless laundry, dishes, and bills of real life to inspire and inform my teaching. My classes are a mash-up of creative inspirations, ancient teachings, and my own experiences on the meditation cushion. I find that time in nature, contemplative practices, and finding the sacred in the mundane are what light me up the most. My goal as a teacher is to use meditation practices to infuse our real, everyday lives with the magic of an awakened heart.

What's your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?

Building and growing my podcast, The Mindful Minute, from zero listeners to well over a million downloads and having it be one of the most shared podcasts on Spotify in 2022 is something I am incredibly proud of. The podcast started because my business partner at the time and dear friend said to me, "you should record your live classes and make them a podcast!" --- I had no idea how to make a podcast and had no plan, but I thought it would be something fun to do for my newsletter subscribers and local students.

As I saw downloads climb from 100 to 500 to 1000, I realized I should take podcasting more seriously. Every year I get to stretch myself creatively, expand my team, and learn new skills. This year, we just launched a video-format podcast on YouTube.

What's one of the hardest things that comes with being a business owner?

The hardest thing for me is that it often feels like I am creating in a vacuum. I am the dreamer, creative director, and planner for all things in my business. I'm so grateful to be in a relationship with other creative entrepreneurs so that I have a community to brainstorm with and share struggles/wins. Otherwise, it is too easy to get lost in minutia to keep growing.

What are the top tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a business today?

  1. Be meticulous in your scheduling - I keep "creative" blocks in my calendar weekly so that the stuff I love - writing new classes and dreaming up new offerings - doesn't get lost in managing emails, social media, and accounting duties.
  2. Have a supportive community of colleagues, mentors, and teachers to keep you inspired, focused, and growing. And to lift you up when you feel like quitting!
  3. Make a plan and go for it! My business has grown in so many ways I couldn't anticipate. I started with a plan to be a full-time yoga teacher. 13 years later; I have shifted many times - each time growing and feeling more centered and strong in my business.

Where can people find you and your business?


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