Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey in personal development but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Meg Burton Tudman, Holistic Coach based in Rochester, NY, USA.

What's your business, and who are your customers?

I am on a mission to support extraordinary beings in honoring their highest selves through coaching, writing and speaking. My specialty is holistic coaching for superwomen empowering them to align their mind, body, and soul, so they can live a life they love.

My clients are often entrepreneurs, coaches, healers, empaths, community leaders, business leaders, family leaders, or women on fertility journeys. I weave mindset, meditation, energy work, and yoga into online coaching programs, wellness articles, workshops, and corporate events.

Tell us about yourself

I am guided by love, loyalty, and authenticity for myself and others. It's a joy to do work that honors these values. When I'm aligned and experiencing that joy, I'm strongly motivated.

I love seeing my journey in this business transform from perfectionism to authenticity. From a young age, I prioritized trying to be perfect and please others. I thought I would feel safe, happy, and fulfilled if I was excellent and did what others wanted. I would be worthy, and I could avoid criticism and judgment. My choices, decisions, and actions were all rooted in someone else's values rather than my own. Chasing this elusive standard and living for other people was exhausting and stressful.

There were two specific events that I chose to use as sparks to transform. I was fired from a job I initially believed to be my dream job, and I stayed for an extra week and a half to wrap everything up. I was that driven and dedicated. I was also mortified and embarrassed at what I first saw as a failure.

Staying was a way for me to soften the blow, hide the shame, and continue to try to hold up the facade of perfection. My identity was so tied to work that I didn't know who I was without that label. Deep inside me, though, a part of me felt free. I no longer had to be defined by something that didn't resonate with me. I've struggled with depression since I was pretty young. However, I was skilled at hiding it and continuing to function at a high level.

This seemed sustainable until I was at a four-way stop with a blinking red light, and I could not figure out when it was my turn to drive through. I knew in my heart that the depression was worse than before. As I sat at that intersection, feeling a combination of panic and deep sadness, I realized I needed more help. I invested in an intensive therapy program. On the first day, I walked in and immediately felt a sense of relief and a huge weight lifted.

I felt like I could be myself, that I didn't have to pretend everything was okay and that I could take off all the masks. I experienced such a significant transformation from these experiences that I made it my life's work to support others to master their mindsets for a complete inner and outer renewal and alignment.

What's your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?

My biggest accomplishment as a business owner is showing up authentically and vulnerably. It can feel safer to play small, but that's a disservice to those we can positively impact. When I play big and put my true self out there, I attract and create what I seek in terms of clients, opportunities, and inner and outer growth.

What's one of the hardest things that comes with being a business owner?

One of the unique challenges/opportunities as a solo entrepreneur is that I do (almost) "all the things." While coaching is my passion, other aspects of running a business require my energy. Being skilled at time management and prioritization is essential for this, as are outsourcing and asking for help for necessary.

What are the top tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a business today?

I encourage anyone looking to start, run, and grow a business today to explore the intersection of their passions and their innate strengths. This intersection is the zone of genius and can serve as a robust foundation for their product or service.

It can be tempting to want to serve everyone. However, it is so helpful to determine your target niche. While it may seem counterintuitive at first, narrowing down who you do empowers you to better communicate with and support your ideal demographic.

I also encourage business owners to create a community of support. This may include coaches, healers, therapists, other business owners in similar and different fields, and experts in areas like marketing, IT, finances, and such. This community provides formal and informal insights and expertise, which can lessen learning curves and amplify your strengths.

Where can people find you and your business?


If you like what you've read here and have your own story as a solo or small business entrepreneur that you'd like to share, then please answer these interview questions. We'd love to feature your journey on these pages.

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