Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey in creative design but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Ivan Meade, Principal Designer of Meade Design Group Inc, located in Victoria, BC, Canada.

What's your business, and who are your customers?

Meade Design Group Inc is a multidisciplinary design studio in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, that specializes in interior design (residential and commercial), graphic design, and textile design. Our customers vary depending on the project we are working on. It is hard to point out a single type as we are a multidisciplinary design studio. I could say that our customer is anyone who appreciates and understands good design.

Tell us about yourself

I am the principal designer and founder of Meade Design Group Inc and the Iván Meade Fabric Collection. We have received international and critical acclaim for our work in interior, graphic, and industrial design for the last 22 years. Meade Design Group Inc also has created a niche for itself in branding designers. We have worked with interior designers locally as well as in Australia, Europe, and throughout North America to help them develop high-value brands for themselves. Design has always been my passion. With my eponymous candle line and designer's favourite fabric collection, I have had the opportunity to culminate many of my experiences with several design disciplines into a personal narrative. Each one of our products in the line represents an important part of my own life experience. For instance, the fabric line has been meticulously designed with the ability to integrate into other manufacturers' inventory in addition to limitless combinations within the line itself.

With the inception of LIFEMSTYLE– the blog in 2007, I was fortunate to make connections with several contacts within the world of publishing, art, and design that has given me the ability to interview some of the foremost names in the design industry, including Kelly Hoppen, Jean-Louis Denoit, Kelly Wearstler and Lorenzo Castillo. Recently, these high-profile interviews have been updated and compiled into an e-book, which is available for free download in our blog.

What's your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?

I think my biggest accomplishment as a business owner is the fact that we have survived a world economic crisis and a pandemic, and we are still going after 22 years. One of the accomplishments I am most proud of is our fabric collection and its success, as well as the fact that we work on a global scale, even if we live on an island.

What's one of the hardest things that comes with being a business owner?

Relationships, maintaining long-lasting relationships with my team, and creating new and long-lasting relationships with our clients and trades. The word "group" in our name is really important, as we are a collaborative group of individuals that provide exceptional service and products of great quality.

What are the top tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a business today?

  1. To learn how to sell. In my industry, you need to sell your services first, the idea next, and the execution after. Selling is a must!
  2. To understand all the aspects of the business from the administrative side, legal side, and customer side. Having as part of your team a great accountant, a good lawyer, and reliable trades is a must.
  3. Transparency - You need to start every project with a good contract and clear and detailed invoice practises. This is how you get repeat clients.

Where can people find you and your business?

Instagram (Company):
Instagram (Personal):

If you like what you've read here and have your own story as a solo or small business entrepreneur that you'd like to share, then please answer these interview questions. We'd love to feature your journey on these pages.

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