Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey in food and beverage but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Chase Thomas, owner of Manny's Restaurant and Delicatessen, located in Southampton, PA, USA.

What's your business, and who are your customers?

Manny's Restaurant and Delicatessen is a newer age Jewish delicatessen that makes all in-house meats and fresh deli salads. We have a restaurant, delicatessen and a catering company all in one. We predominantly cater to office buildings, family practices, and corporate clients. We provide catering for events, parties, and funerals. We serve breakfast and lunch seven days a week and are open to the public for all their grocery item needs. Our customers are mainly neighborhood customers, Jewish families, and older couples looking for good food with exceptional customer service. We make an effort to talk to each table, know their backgrounds and names and socialize. We don't do this just because we want them to come back, but we do this because we truly care about our customers and appreciate their business!

Tell us about yourself

I graduated with 2 degrees, one in entrepreneurship and the second in marketing. I am proud to say I used my degrees to open up a restaurant. I am a fun, enthusiastic person who also likes to grind and grow my business. What motivated me each day was seeing customers' reactions to our huge sandwiches, hearing positive feedback from patrons, socializing with customers, and socializing/working with staff. I want to and plan to open up more restaurants one day. Thus, working hard each day, I am proud of so that I can eventually attain my goal of being a successful restaurant entrepreneur.

What's your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?

My biggest accomplishment as a business owner was launching my first major business at 24 years old. Most of my staff was surprised with my age, my customers never believed I was the owner, and my friends/family were impressed that I got it done so young. I am also proud to say that we won three awards for our county. Best sandwich, Best catering company, and Best kid-friendly restaurant! I am also proud that we were on the news plenty, had multiple articles written about Manny's, and have won the Philadelphia soup competition two years in a row! We have also been quoted multiple times as having the best deli meats in the Tri-state area.

What's one of the hardest things that come with being a business owner?

One of the hardest things that comes with being a business owner is staffing issues. Not just creating schedules but also getting the correct pay. It is hard to work with people you love so much and see and hear about their at-home struggles. I deal with them at work but try to help manage their lifestyles at home as well. Our staff has been through a lot, whether it be Covid, family life, their upbringing, all of it I hear, and all of it I try to assist with in any way I can. They are family. The other hardest thing is keeping myself motivated. When you work for yourself, it is easy to do nothing and incredibly hard to do something else when nobody is telling you what to do. As such a young owner, this has been hard for me to stay busy, but busy I like, and being successful is what I dream of, so this keeps me going.

What are the top tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a business today?

  1. Work as hard as you can. Even when you think all is done... it is not. You can always find something to keep you busy and grow your business. I always tell my staff... "I don't need you to work as hard as me... but keep up!"
  2. Hire and socialize with your staff. Staff wants to feel welcomed and like they are part of your family. It is very hard to hire (especially during COVID), and it is even harder to hire the "right person." So, if you think you found those people, be exceptionally nice and friendly because you NEED them and want to keep them around.
  3. Surround yourself with the most intelligent people. Even if you think you are an expert at something, you can find someone who is even smarter than you. Pick their brain. Hire the best attorney, the best lawyer, the best GM, the best Chef, the best everything you can find. It may be too much money at the time, but it will payout in the end, and you'll be thankful you didn't have to deal with the problems they did, and you will be relieved that they got their work done for you!

Is there anything else you'd like to share?

Opening a business is hard. No doubt about it. Nonetheless, starting your own business is the proudest feeling you'll ever have. It will be the hardest thing you'll ever do as well, but the most rewarding. You will feel a sense of pride in doing so. You will also see the envy and proudness on customers/family/friends' faces when you tell them what you are doing. Take a shot. It is well worth it!

Where can people find you and your business?


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