Built With Your Unique Business in Mind - Mallory Musante

Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey in marketing services but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Mallory Musante, a marketing strategist based in Raleigh, NC, USA.

What's your business, and who are your customers?

I'm a brand and marketing strategist, affectionately known as The Small Business CMO. I step in as a fractional CMO to help online service providers and small businesses find the right path forward by identifying the gaps and opportunities in their marketing. I then develop and execute a brand and marketing strategy that's as unique as their business which allows us to maximize their return.

Tell us about yourself

I've actually started 6 other brands over the last decade before settling into this role. With each of those businesses, I slowly honed my skills which helped me realize my superpower is helping small businesses get more strategic with their marketing. The most pivotal point in my career was back in 2020 as the co-founder of a design and social media agency. Long story short, I was becoming increasingly more frustrated and burnt out with the business, and the pandemic put me over the edge. I realized we had unintentionally boxed ourselves into being employees of our company instead of being the CEOs of our company. I felt like I always had to be on my laptop or connected to my phone, and while our clients were amazing and we had built a successful brand, I wasn't fulfilled by the type of projects we were working on anymore.

This led me to make the incredibly tough decision to walk away from the company. I spent the next 6-7 months trying to find my "thing," only to dip my toe back into marketing and realize I do still love it! Now I help other business owners build businesses they not only love but ones that support their life and goals outside of their companies so they can live happy, fulfilled life.

What's your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?

There is so much I'm proud of, but I think my biggest accomplishment is purchasing my first home as a single self-employed woman. This is something I wasn't sure would be possible for me, but it was definitely something I wanted. It wasn't until I listened to a podcast about real estate investing that I realized this was in the cards for me, and about two months later, I purchased my house. While it's not necessarily a business accomplishment, it was my business that allowed this to be a reality for me.

What's one of the hardest things that comes with being a business owner?

Being solely responsible for your income can be a really big burden to bear at times, no matter which stage of business you're in. This can cause you to slip into scarcity mode, which can lead to overworking and burnout. I did this a lot in my last business, and probably a big reason I was unhappy and unfulfilled. While I still get overwhelmed at times with this responsibility, I try to keep myself in check when I realize this is a pattern I'm slipping into so I can readjust, rest and refocus to put me back on the right track.

What are the top tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a business today?

  1. Get to know your target market inside and out.
    One of the biggest mistakes I see my clients make is they don't have a solid grasp on who their target market is and what makes them tick. This is so much deeper than their age, profession, where they live, and other basics like these. These are a part of their avatar, but you want to go deeper than that.
    What is their current state vs. their desired state?
    How are they feeling along the decision-making process?
    What are their beliefs and objections around your offer?
    What phrases and language do they use when talking about your offer?
    And so on. Just like getting to know someone on a deeper level in your personal life helps you connect with them, the same is true for your target market. This will allow you to communicate with them confidently, provide them with what they need, and illustrate how you can help them.
  2. Be curious and try new things, in and outside of your business.
    A little unconventional, but consistently trying new things is one of the best confidence-boosting hacks. You have to put yourself in a slightly uncomfortable position to be a beginner at something, but you can also feel really proud of yourself for trying. Both of these are really essential skills to develop as a business owner, and I've found the more comfortable you are with getting uncomfortable and having the ability to self-celebrate, the faster your confidence grows. And when you show up as your most confident self in your business, results also start to show up.
  3. Build your community and support system.
    Having a community and support system is one of the most beneficial things you can do for yourself as a business owner for numerous reasons.
    Entrepreneurship can get really lonely, so naturally, having people that understand what you're going through is invaluable. Some of my best friends have come from connecting through my business, and because we know the struggles each other faces, we've bonded and become each other's biggest supporters. It also allows you to grow a potential referral network. Even if those people aren't going to purchase from you, they may know someone that will.

Where can people find you and your business?

Website: https://www.mallorymusante.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mallorymusante/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mallorymusante/

If you like what you've read here and have your own story as a solo or small business entrepreneur that you'd like to share, then please answer these interview questions. We'd love to feature your journey on these pages.

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