Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey in digital marketing but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Richard Lau, Founder & CEO of, located in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

What's your business, and who are your customers?

Building an excellent online presence today requires capital and various tools and subscriptions. Not only is it a lot to manage, but it can get very expensive quickly, and they want to start building their business or side hustle. The question for us is, how can we help people get online faster without burning a hole in their pockets? has a clear mission to help entrepreneurs launch their businesses quickly, effectively, and without breaking the bank.

When we (my team and I) were building other businesses, we faced some common issues with setting up our brand. The team at took these issues and ironed them out with a logo maker and brand-building platform that offers professional designs that make businesses look credible to their customers. We took a months-long brand-building process and turned it into 30 minutes. We have spent a tremendous amount of time ensuring that the logos and templates that our customers receive for business cards, letterheads, email signatures, flyers, posters, social media posts, and more are clean and professional. is perfect for anyone who has an idea and wants to get online quickly. Whether you're a mom-and-pop store, a freelancer, building a personal brand, or an aspiring entrepreneur, we've got a brand for your idea. The majority of our customers find us through organic search. We believe in the power of good content and have a team that creates this content.

Tell us about yourself

I've always been an entrepreneur and love talking about business ideas. It's easy to pontificate about how you'd do something better – but when it comes to implementing it, you meet the reality of life, and that's where persistence and tenacity come into play. In the late 1990s, I ran a beeper business, and a business partner left to start a dial-up internet provider. He had customers who needed domain names registered, and the typical charge was $150 over and above the annual fee. So, as a side hustle, I started a service called, where you could search for and register domain names for $20 and receive an invoice via postal mail. I offered URL and email forwarding as upsells. It was my first SaaS business with recurring subscription revenue.

Starting new businesses has been part of my life since I was young. Beeper business, domain name registrars, domain name investing, resume building, conference business, and now, logo design and brand building. Life is a journey, and I'm enjoying it!

What's your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?

Businesses are built by people that believe in them. I've always surrounded myself with people who share my vision and hold the same values as me. My team across businesses has been my biggest accomplishment. As a business, we invest in our people, and they reciprocate with their hard work and intention to build something valuable for the end customer.

What's one of the hardest things that comes with being a business owner?

One of the biggest challenges for business owners today is determining what "business as usual" means. Over the years, you may have learned a lot through trial, error, and attrition but are the learnings of that bygone era relevant today? Business owners have to find ways to build habits, processes, and a culture where people thrive. For example, back in the day, leadership was about providing tools and resources to your team to earn maximum market share. However, today it's about investing in people's behavior to drive long-term sustainable results. Keep your employees happy, and they'll take care of your customers.

What are the top tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a business today?

  1. Network - Your network is your most vital resource. Build the skill to talk to people and put yourself out there. Reach out, and offer help without asking for anything in return. You'll be surprised by the rewards.
  2. Willingness to learn - know what you don't know. Ask questions, listen, and observe what others are doing. Constantly seek new knowledge. There's always a lesson to be learned.
  3. Patience - Results take time. Keep calm and persevere. :)

Where can people find you and your business?


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