Filling Your Business With Dreamy Clients - Lindsay Stead

Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey in business development but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Lindsay Stead, Founder of Socially En Pointe and Gilded Blooms Communications, located in Victoria, BC, Canada.

What's your business, and who are your customers?

I am a business coach and mentor for entrepreneurs who are looking to build a profitable, playful, and balanced business!

Tell us about yourself

Prior to starting my own business, I was working as an ABA Therapist for the local school board. I was exhausted, burnt out, and miserable. I knew it was not a sustainable career for me, especially as I moved into the season of having kids. While I was on maternity leave, I took the time and space to really reflect on what was missing for me in my previous career and what were non-negotiables for me in my next career; the top qualities I was looking for in a career were: being able to help people, having a creative outlet, being able to be strategic, and being able to set my own hours. I had always loved to tinker with and build websites, so when a family member opened a restaurant, I offered to build them a website as a gift; from there, I started handling their social media, which went really well, and I found that I enjoyed it. I joined a couple of Facebook groups and quickly picked up some general VA clients. From there, everything took off quite quickly in the done-for-you provider space! About a year into my business, I got hired to teach social media marketing at a local college via a LinkedIn connection.

Around the two-year mark, I kept feeling the nudge to move into coaching, but the coaching industry was just really taking off, and I didn't want to be impulsive, so I forced myself to wait. Once I let myself out of my self-imposed waiting period, I dove headfirst into coaching and mentorship. I found that I fell completely in love with it. I currently still have my marketing and web design collective with a team of incredible women, and they really manage that so that I can focus on my coaching clients. The fact that I get to help people the way that I do, these incredible women motivates me. I am so honoured to be able to support them and help them come into their own and find their confidence so that they can be leaders for themselves and their communities. That in and of itself is what motivates me so highly! I also feel so fortunate to be able to be so present and involved with my kids, particularly in their school community; being able to show up for them and go to their field trips and help in their classrooms is such a gift. My Mom taught at the school that I went to, and I loved that she was around so that I could see her during the day. I'm not with my kids in the same capacity in their school, and instead, I've created my own meaningful path and get to create these memories and moments with them.

What's your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?

This might sound silly, but the biggest accomplishment I've had since becoming a business owner has been reconnecting with who I am. I've really learned so much about who I am and have naturally come to embrace and appreciate who I am at my core rather than feeling self-conscious about who I am. I'm a much stronger and more confident person now than I was when I started, and that is invaluable. One other huge accomplishment for myself has been being able to attend every single field trip for my kid's classes, as well as volunteering in their classes. 

What's one of the hardest things that comes with being a business owner?

One of the hardest things that comes with being a business owner is holding the vision and keeping the motivation when you've had a tough day (or series of tough days). So often in the online space, we see people feeding us their highlight reel or knowingly lying about their reality, creating a toxic environment. I have so many clients come to me looking for the "magic" strategy that will sell out their business overnight because that's what they're seeing from other people. Frankly, that is rarely the reality. It's not impossible, and it is definitely the exception rather than the rule. So, when you're feeling low, either mute those people you're comparing yourself to or find the inspiration...either way, you owe it to yourself to drop the comparison.

What are the top tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a business today?

  1. Say yes to the opportunity! I see so many people who are so closed off to opportunity that they miss be open! You never know what opportunity is in store for you, and if you have your blinders on, you are going to miss out.
  2. My second tip relates to the first: plan with flexibility. It's okay to alter your plan if an opportunity comes up or something that is going to help you get to your long-term goal quicker/easier planning with flexibility allows you to move forward without being so tied and attached to your original plan. It allows you to create and embrace the opportunity.
  3. Lastly, for every "no" you give, counter it with two "yes's;" what I mean by that is this: if you are an introvert (like me) and don't want to show your face on your website or your social media, what two things are you going to do instead of that in order to counter your no? It's important to have boundaries and remain within integrity with yourself. At the same time, you get to be aware of the reasoning behind your reluctance. If it is a morals or ethics issue, say no and keep moving forward (even better- talk about it publicly!), but if it is a fear or self-sabotage, create ways to minimize the impact of what you're not doing and maximize the impact of what you are willing to do instead.

Where can people find you and your business?


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