Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey in floristry but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Karen Greenoe, owner of Lily Greenthumb's, located in Charlotte, NC, USA.

What's your business, and who are your customers?

Lily Greenthumb's has two main customers: those who want jaw-dropping flowers for their weddings or other events and those who want to learn how to design flowers themselves! In addition to creating florals for spectacular events, I love sharing my love of flowers with the floral-curious in both in-person and online classes. Truly, there is no more fulfilling hobby than floral design!

Tell us about yourself

When I graduated from Wake Forest University (would that make me the Wake Florist??) I thought I knew my path. I donned a cute little suit and got myself a big girl job. But after a short stint in corporate America, I realized it was not for me. I wanted to work with people one on one and bring them joy; I wanted to be creative; I wanted to work with my hands and form true relationships with my customers. At that same time, my company was restructuring, and in order to keep my (very well paying) job, I'd need to move to Boston. I thought about it for about three seconds and then decided that if there was ever a time to leap out of the airplane with no parachute, this was it! I left my job, enrolled in design school, and signed the lease on my first brick-and-mortar studio one month later. I was all in from day one. The thrill of creating something from the ground up kept me motivated. Now, 12 years later and my third studio location, I feel so blessed to look back and see how many happy memories I've had the honor to be a part of. It has not been easy, and the hours are long, but gosh darn it, it's been worth it.

What's your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?

There are so many events we've designed that I am incredibly proud of but honestly, the fact that this business has solely supported my family all of these years (my husband works with me in the business, and we have two precious little girls). It is an incredible feeling.

What's one of the hardest things that come with being a business owner?

Turning. It. Off! For the first six or seven years in business, I felt incapable of shutting my laptop off to take a weekend off, or heaven forbid a vacation! When the business is yours and yours alone, it works its way into every fiber of your being, and it is so hard to separate yourself.

What are the top tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a business today?

  1. Set boundaries: if you don't want to work on Sunday, don't. If you don't want to take meetings after 5, don't. If you set clear boundaries and communicate them early and often to your clients, they will respect them too, and enforcing those boundaries will be easier. Your mental health is worth it!
  2. Get help! As early as you can, ask for help with little things so that every little bit of your business is not on your plate. I hired my first VA in 2016 to work 5 hours per week to handle incoming inquiries, manage my calendar and send invoices. Even that little bit freed me up so much to do only the things I can do in my business.
  3. Celebrate others in your field! I truly believe a rising tide raises all ships, so do not look at those doing the same thing as you as competition. I do not believe in competition. There are so many incredibly talented florists in my area, and we all help each other. I've learned so much from them, and in turn, I try to share as much of my knowledge as I can. When one of you wins, you all win. Jealousy is toxic. Joy is contagious so share it!

Where can people find you and your business?


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